
What external factors can influence individuals prejudices ?

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Equality and Diversity




  1. Not helpful but just about everything! Family, media, friends, things which have had a positive or negative influence whilst you've grown, especially if if the outcome was important to you during that particular period in your life. Family and peers are especially influential as not many of us like to 'step out' of our natural 'group'.

  2. 1) negative experiences with people of a certain background/race/etc.-e.g. a minority who lived in an area where the KKK was active may spend a lifetime hating and mistrusting White people.

    2) upbringing-e.g.-being told that all Asians are socialized to be liars.

    3) religious beliefs-e.g.- hearing one's pastor state that all other religions are wrong and only that one religion that the person adheres to is the right one.

    4) lack of exposure to those who are different or a different way of life-e.g. I knew someone who said that a Black person would be stoned to death in his part of the world because it was so rural that no Black person had ever been there and the locals would think that such a person was an unusual animal or a gypsy.

    I hope that I have been helpful and I might add that every single example I gave is one that I have actually been told by others.

  3. for a lot of people it is lack of money,education and skin color, this is the way it has always been and will continue to be until man learns to live by the golden rule

  4. tv, newspapers,media in general.

    peer pressure.


    cultural differences.

    clothing,(if another culture wears odd clothes)

    what we may see as disgusting foods, like eating dogs or horses etc.

    colour of skins.


    mental illnesses.(he's too weird to have an opinion of worth).

    learning disabilities.disablement.

    facial imperfections.

    body size and shape.(how is it some fat people have to pay for 2 seats on a plane when a "normal " size person doesn't.)

    and to finish up, "how come the weirdo always sits next to me on a bus)? now that says it all, i am catagorising an unknown person as a weirdo and not treating equally and not accepting diversity in the world.

  5. Life experience and dealings with people. Sometimes it can be a backlash towards themselves feeling as if they have less rights or aren't treated as well.

  6. The economy - when there is a downturn we tend to blame outsiders .

    Family values handed down.

    Media -

    Being Segregated.

    Politicians - e.g Rivers of Blood speech.

    Terrorist threat.

    Education - lack of .

    Lack of integration policy.

    Spread of Urban Myths.

    Words for sub-groups used as common swear words.

    Spread of fear tactics, used by any pressure group BNP etc.

    In terms of mental health being made- invisible by the mental health system which has few checks and balances - Psychiatrists have ultimate say over patients and are not overseen. Their job is to contain and control however they see fit for society not for the client.

    Comedians who use easy targets for cheap laughs.

    The overriding social need to be belong and be accepted in the mainstream  -to fit in and go along with the majority version for fear of being made an outsider too, rather than standing out and speaking the truth.Pointing up someone elses lack of insider status ensures your own position.

  7. misunderstandings and misrepresentation, the peer group you have the media and mainly the lack of peoples care to look further than these arethe root causes.

  8. Everybody. Parents, siblings, employers, government, schools, religious institutions, all of them.

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