
What extra is added to the diesel fuel when you buy the higher grade

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I now run my diesel car on the more expensive fuel, you have 2 grades at the pumps, I go for the better one at 5p per liter more, it gives a better performance and slightly better mpg, so whats in it ? they must add something to it, anyone got the answer, thanks.




  1. A low content of sulphur and aromatic compounds, a high cetane number, and an adequate density are among the particular properties of a high grade diesel fuel to be mentioned.

    The increasingly strict environmental requirements, in particular regulations limiting the exhaust emissions from the fuels are continuously increasing the demands made on the properties of a high grade fuel. Less polluting diesel fuels are badly needed.

    During the distilation of crude in refinery, various patended processes are adopted to achieve the required specification. It is not a simple addition of some material.

  2. You are a victim of marketing psychology. It's bullsh*t that the more expensive fuel gives any performance improvement whatsoever. It is a physical impossibility since the calorific value of the fuels is identical.

    It's a shame that people are sucked in by such claims. The only thing added to it is the extra retail price.

  3. Its a higher octane and has lubricants and various additives to reduce coke build up in the engine

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