
What eye colour will a child receive if its dad has black eyes and its mom has blue eyes?

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and vice versa?




  1. who knows! it depends on who the child will take after more. the child could evn have green eyes, as it may take after a grandparents genes.

  2. I have hazel eyes & my partner has blue, my children have my eye colour.

    Dont think you can really know. Just have to wait.

  3. It is probably most likely to have black eyes, however every other eye color is a also possibility. It all comes down to what genes the parents have and what genes they pass on to their children. It doesn't matter which parent has the blue eyes and which has the brown eyes though.

    As an example, I'll use Gone With the Wind. The two main characters, the black eyed Rhett and green eyed Scarlett have a child whose eyes are "as blue as the bonnie blue flag". When I first saw the movie, I thought surely that must be impossible in real life, but it is not.

    To have green eyes, Scarlett must have had a green eye gene obviously. Green eyes are dominant over blue eyes but recessive to brown eyes.

    From the book we learn her father had blue eyes, so since blue eyes are recessive, you need both genes to be for blue eyes to inherit them, which we'll call bb, representing the 2 main eye color genes to be for blue eyes and lower case to remind that blue eyes are recessive.

    Scarlett's mother, Ellen had brown eyes which means a brown eye gene B and the gene we are not sure of yet, ? so B?

    But their daughter has green eyes, therefore Ellen's other gene was most likely the gene for green eyes so her eye color genetic are represented by Bg

    Bg + bb = ?

    Either gene from either parent could be inherited, so their children could have ended up with Bb, (Brown eye and blue eye gene, expressed with Brown eyes since brown eyes are dominant) or gb (Green eye and blue eye gene but green eyes since green eyes are dominant.)

    So Scarlett's eye color genes were probably gb.

    Rhett had dark eyes so obviously had the brown eye gene B, and for his child to have blue eyes, the other gene must have been b, for blue eyes.

    (We are not told about Rhett's family but if we were told for example Rhett's father was brown eyed and his mother blue-eyed we could work out the combinations for eye colors of his child with Scarlett with out them actually having one that we could infer eye color of the parents from.)

    gb+Bb= bb, blue eyes.

    There was a 1 in 4 chance of this happening, the possible combinations were gB- brown eyes, bB (brown eyes again) gb- green eyes or bb- blue eyes. If Rhett and Scarlett had 4 children, based on this, 2 would have brown eyes, 1 green eyes and 1 blue-eyed.

    This is quite easy to work out once the two parents have had a child whose eyes we can observe and make guesses as to what genes for eye color the parents have but beforehand, it is anyones guess. And there are other things such as the rings around the pupils which are different colors in some people and different color eyes all together. But if you know the eye color of the grandparents, as demonstrated above, you can usually work out all the possible combinations for their children, and hence the eyes of their child.

    Sorry for such a long reply but I hope this helps =)

  4. Its toss your coin in the gene pool i`m afraid.

  5. depend on who have dominant gen.........but if they both dont have dominant gen, i mean if they both have resesion gen, possibly the child will have mix colour from the dad n mom

  6. I assume that you mean really dark brown eyes when you say black.  I need a little more information to determine the probability on the eye color, but I will give it a try.

    The mother can only pass blue eye color because blue eyes are a recessive trait.  If the father has two dominant brown eye genes, then the offspring will end up with brown eyes but carry a recessive blue eye gene from the mother so of the offspring has the potential to have a blue eyed child if he/she mates with someone else who also carries it.

    If the father has brown eyes and carries a recessive blue eye gene from one of his parents then the offspring has a 75% chance of having brown eyes and a 25% chance of having blue eyes.

    This is just a basic explanation.  Things get a little more complex with green and hazel eyes, but blue and brown are pretty basic.

  7. If the dad has black eyes id call a priest.

    If he has dark brown eyes and the mom has blue eyes the baby may have hazel.

  8. It could be any eye colour in that situation. If all the father's relatives going a long way back have brown eyes eg African or Asian ancestry without any other colour thrown in somewhere then they will be brown.

  9. Genes are like rolling dice. The only thing that they they know is that ble eyes are recessive and dark eyes are dominant.

    Two parents with brown eyes can have a blue eyed child but two blue eyes cannot have a brown eyed child. As far as that question the child could have either color or take after the grandparents only God knows.

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