
What face wash or cream or whatever do you use for your pimples?

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Does it work good?

Ive tried clean&clear morning burst

and clean&clear deep action cream clenser

neather worked all that great.

And dont tell me proactiv.

One last thing if i put peroxide on my face could that help make pimples go away?




  1. You should be cleansing your face twice daily. Morning and night.

    I suggest anything from the Clearasil line up because most of their products contain salicylic acid (an exfoliating agent used in skin care. It basically gets down into your pores, pushes off all the excess oils, bacteria, and dead skin.)

    You should also exfoliate your skin 2 to 3 times a week. That's like a mask you put on your face. WalMart has little packets for like 1.34 that are good mud masks for your face. I love them. Sorry. I don't recall the name of the product. But they're in the cleanser aisle.

    As far as like,.... a few pimples on your face. You could invest into a cream that contains 10% benzoyl peroxide. It's a drying agent used in skin care. Use the product with caution though, it's not intended to go all over your face, just one the spots of the actual pimples. AcneFree (a product you can find at WalMart) sells a little tube for like 5 bucks.

    If you use benzoyl peroxide all over your face, it will leave it dry, red, and flaky. Owwie.

    If you use both a cleanser with salicylic acid and a cream with benzoyl peroxide (to blot on your pimples and a small amount on your nose), I think you could see some reduction on the amount of blackheads.

    Hope this helps.

    Good luck. :)

  2. This should help for blackheads. Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water.  Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

  3. i use clearasil for my pimples daily

    and for blackheads i use biore

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