
What factor for sun lotion should I get for...?

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I'm very pale so need protection as I'm rarely in the sun. Going to the medeterian (sorry can't spell) in October and have no idea about what the temperature will be or what sun factor to wear.

Any Ideas?




  1. it really depends whether you're going to be sat in the sun or the shade. What I tend to do is use P20 this is a great sun cream which you only have to put on once a day It is only factor 20 but I tend to find this plenty. you may want a slightly stronger factor (say 30) on your face but other than that it always works for me. you can buy it cheaper duty free from the airport but i do have to warn you it smells a bit when you first put it on so if you are sensitive to smells it may not be the best but this smell goes as it dries and as you only have to apply it once this can be in you hotel room. Hope this helps and hope you have a wonderful holiday

  2. If you are pale and don't go in the sun I would get factor 30 - better safe than sorry. Don't forget to put cream on your feet too!

  3. get the strongest you can and dont worry about tanning

    tans may look good but skin cancer dsnt . Trust me once you get told you have a cancer and it has to be removed it totally changes your opinion on tans

  4. You should get SPF30 or more to be under the direct sunlight.

    Some interesting details are given below:

    Yes Sunscreen Lotion helps in protecting your skin and that in turns prevent your skin from so many things like Sun burn or skin cancer but if the skin is very exposed to sun and due to UV radiation there might be a chance of skin cancer. But still scientist wont get a direct relation of stopping the skin cancer and SUN SCREEN.

    Some details about the sun screen is given below

    Sunscreen (also known as sunblock or suntan lotion[1]) is a lotion, spray or other topical product that absorbs or reflects the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation and protects the skin.

    Sunscreens contain one or more UV filters of which there are three main types[2] :

    Organic chemical compounds that absorb ultraviolet light (such as oxybenzone)

    Inorganic particulates that reflect, scatter, and absorb UV light (such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide), or a combination of both.[clarify]

    Organic particulates that mostly absorb light like organic chemical compounds, but contain multiple chromophores, may reflect and scatter a fraction of light like inorganic particulates, and behave differently in formulations than organic chemical compounds.[clarify] An example is Tinosorb M.

    Some interesting facts:The first effective sunscreen may have been developed by chemist Franz Greiter in 1938. The product, called Gletscher Crème (Glacier Cream), subsequently became the basis for the company Piz Buin (named in honor of the place Greiter allegedly obtained the sunburn that inspired his concoction), which today is a well-known marketer of sunscreen products.

  5. Wear about 30 and re-apply every half hour or so.

    If you wanna get a tan, gradually move down in factor

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