
What factors are involved in conservation?

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What factors are involved in conservation?




  1. First of all AWARENESS of the state of our environment, natural resources, plant and animal life.  

    PROTECTION of these things just by taking better care.  

    FUNDS for conservation projects (research, land purchase, etc.)

    Small simple decisions.  Use double sided printing, recycle, don't make copies for everyone, instead circulate one copy with a check off list so everyone reads it and passes it on.

    Every little thing has it's place and function.  Did you know bees are dying off and that is a major threat to our food supply?  Or that bringing flowers or plants or even animals from elsewhere can cause harm to indigenous/local flowers and plants?  In some cases they have killed off species.

  2. Using less resources, such as money, energy, and natural resources.

  3. Evaluation of intrinisc and extrinsic threats to a specie or ecosystem that needs to be conserved.

    All other activities of conservation will be based on the this evaluation and mitigating these threats.

  4. There are specific factors depending on what you are trying to conserve. The one main factor is - using less of a particular natural resource.

  5. Please check out this site.

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