
What factors cause your teeth to shift after getting your braces off?

by  |  earlier

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i keep saying that it's because i lost my retainers (a month after i got my braces off) and could not wear them for three nights straight. but my parent is still not convinced that it was because of that!




  1. well, maybe your teeth still needed braces. if not, losing the retainer for 3 days shouldn't effect it. i had braces and is currently wearing a retainer. if the retainer is tight..hard to take on and off and feels like the orthodontist just tightened your braces, then you need braces again. if not, and there is only a little change, ask the orthodontist to bend the metal on your retainer or add something to the plastic part(thats what i did).

  2. If you don't wear your retainer it will cause your teeth to shift back like they were before the treatment. Hope this will help.

  3. i know that for me, if i don't wear my retainer for at least 8 hours every night that my teeth will shift dramatically enough to easily tell.

    without the tension of the wires holding your teeth in place, there is no guarantee that they will stay straight.

    what else would move your teeth?

    unless you take a screwdriver to your mouth, i am pretty certain that it is an issue with the absence of your retainer :)

    hope this helps!

  4. well that is the reason!

    you need to wear your retainer because it keeps your teeth in place because if you dont wear it your teeth with slowly go back to the way they were when you got braces.

    its like they have memory.

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