
What factors will offset global warming??

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happy earth day everyone!




  1. Stopping people from spewing so much hot air.

  2. Environmentalist Scientist stop letting hot air out of their mouth would off set global warm.

  3. Gore admitting he lied to millions and caused the death of millions with his lies.

  4. Less active solar cycles.

  5. Only a massive shift from fossil fuel to nuclear power.

  6. Increased cloud cover?  A change in the Milancovich cycle that should be shifting us to a cooling period.  A possible change in the cycle of sun spot activity.

  7. first of all we have to stop air pollution because air pollution  is mainly  causes the global warming.Then we can use hybrid cars which will decrease air pollution.The  use of public transit  can also reduce air pollution.We should stop using products which  causes air pollution.We can recycle and reuse products which will use less energy and less pollution.

  8. Have all the Global Warming alarmists shut up.  That'll cut hot air at least!  :D

    Driving to and from work dude:  I wish that was an option for me, work is an hour away from home...I am -trying- to find a home nearer to work, but it's slow going.

  9. People who don't think anthropogenic climate change is real will one day be seen in the same light as Flat-Earthers are viewed today.  

    It will take comprehensive action by individuals, corporations and governments to change output of pollution, conservation of resources and land and planning for the future.

  10. 1. Reducing our energy expenditures

    2. More efficient vehicles (i.e Hybrids and small cars and trucks)

    3. CFL's and LED's

    4. Taxing GHG (Green House Gas) polluters and reallocating the monies to conservation and green technologies.

    5. Maybe Carbon trading systems

    6. Planting more trees and using a whole lot less concrete. (my neighbor paved over the last little bit of green space left on his lot for a parking area).

    7. Land Trusts and National Parks

    8. Switch to hemp instead of paper and cotton (vastly more efficient and needs no pesticides.

    9. Tax credits for green building and appliances

    10. Higher governmental standards efficient vehicles and appliances.

    11. Hard cap on carbon emissions

    12. Veganism (no joke. prevents deforestation, methane 20x's more powerful than CO2) plus there are an exponential amount of farm animals to humans.  

    13. Recycling Reducing and Reusing

    14. No more coal plants but instead fast trade and subsidize solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal plants.

    15. Reuse waste oil.

    16. Some bio-fuel like switch grass and jatropha (not corn which is ineffient, causes food shortages, and is a scam to make big agribusiness even richer than they are.

    17. Slow down new construction and advocate fixing up unused or under utilized buildings.

    I could go on and on but basically it is a confluence of these factors which will only happen when people open there hearts to this issue. In reality it is a spiritual problem we are facing.

    It is the perception that money cannot be made and or lost by converting to green practices when just the opposite is true. Green technologies will open up whole new markets and provide job relief.

    The only ones that will "lose" out is a few that seek to have the majority of wealth.

    In essence the problem we are facing is hindered by two factors greed and fear.

    Thankfully there are many rising above these vices and deficiencies.

  11. Get people like Al Gore to shut it. Seriously, this whole global warming thing is way overblown. How arrogant are people to think they can have any significant effect on natural cycles that have been in motion for thousands of years. Lighten up people.

  12. According to the global warming researchers the Si emissions cool the earth.  At least this was factered in to make the models in line with past recordings.  I say we release more of that.

  13. Thank you and you too-have a happy earthh day.

    To all those people who thinks climate change isn't real please research it a bit more. Can't you see whats happening around you NOW. I mean the proof is here and YOU are living it. People are the cause and now we can be the solution. And I know it because I myself have done things to save the planet and they have worked.

    If you don't believe u can do something then at least think of it this way: What bad would it be to have solar pannels and throw rubbish in the bin-it only means a cleaner environment. If you aren't going to do it for the planet then at least do it for yourself.

    Here are some ways to start:

    -plant a tree. For every tree you plant you are taking off the emissions of 17 cars in a whole year.

    -grow your ownn vegetables and fruits in your own garden. It is not only better for the environment but for your health too.

    -Recycle. Reuse. Reduce.  The 3 R'S

    -Buy local made food.

    -Walk don't drive. Bike don't drive. Use public transport instead of a car. Or car pool. Car pool means many people go in the one car instead  of the people using one car each

    -You can also buy carbon credits from some environmental companies.

    The world is relying on YOU to save this planet.

    Good Luck  :)

  14. well one thing that i can think of that will offset global warming is plain and simple... cut down on the ammount of time you spend driving to and from work (if you have a job).  and the way you can do that is by car pooling with someone at your job that you trust or live near. (if available)

  15. Less sunspot activity.  Tell the Earth to stop being so unpredictable so we can have nice springs and cool winters with nary a change.

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