
What facts do you have on child abusers in prison?

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For example, is it true that they are the weakest links? What is the usual sentence? Any facts you have, please bring them my way.





  1. they are abused as they abused children.most people in prison have kids.take it from there.

  2. child molestors are literally raped in prison,however since they are usually homsexuals anway that is more of a reward to them.They should be crucified literally and then burned

  3. I don't have facts but I did a related question and someone who worked as a prison guard said that they were indeed treated a lot worst than other criminals. Same said a person who knew a prison guard.

    Normally its sexual abuse from other immates, but they also get beaten, shanked, robbed, etc.

    I heard that the sentence is normally from 15-50 years, but since it varies in every country and state (I'm not american), I couldn't give more info on that.

  4. According to information from the US DoJ, Black males are about three times more likely to victimize children, as compared with White men. It doesn't look as if that's what it's saying, at first. But you can figure it out. Here's the quote:

    "White inmates were nearly 3 times more likely than black inmates to have had a child victim. About 27% of all white inmates in State prisons for violent crimes committed their crimes against a child; less than 10% of black inmates serving time for violence had a child victim." (Dept. of Justice)

    What the quoted paragraph doesn't tell you is that White Americans outnumber Blacks resident in the United States by a factor of six. If the ratio of Whites to Blacks among men imprisoned for child victimization is 3, then the per capita rate ratio, Black to White, for child molestation is 6/3 = 2.

    Whoever wrote that paragraph for the Department of Justice was probably deliberately trying to mislead the public by making them think that White men were more likely to molest children than Black men are. But what it really means is that Black men commit lots of crimes other than child molestation, so many that, although Black men do molest children considerably more often than White men do, they also commit so many murders, rapes (against adult victims), assaults, armed robberies, and so on, that the child molesters among them form a relatively small percentage of all the Blacks in prison.

    Also, 29% of the offenders classified as "White" by the DoJ are, in fact, Mestizos (Hispanics). Whites actually commit only 71% of the crimes attributed to White perpetrators. A rough correction can be made to all Black-to-White per capita rate ratios by multiplying them by a factor of 1.41.

    Black men are 2.82 times more likely to molest a child, as compared with (real) White men.  

  5. They are often segregated.

  6. I know of someone that was convicted of second degree sexual assault of a child, and got 60 years.  And I have heard that this guy has already been beaten three times in prison, and has tried to kill himself once, and he went in at the end of April.

    I don't know what sort of facts you are looking for, but that is what I have for you.

  7. i'm not really sure what you mean by weakest links, but i can tell you some facts.

    Child abusers (sexual) usually get a minimum of 12yrs and up.  As far as what life is like on the inside for them, i don't know.  

    Life on the outside after they get out of prison however, is not much different.  Their life is turned upside down.  They now have to register as an offender every year, which means giving just about every detail of their life (address, driver's license number, car plate number, phone number, workplace info, employer's name, etc.).  They can't live within a certain radius of a child affiliated area, and now the state of california requires that you be posted on the internet as an offender where everyone you know can see you and what you have done (no matter how long you were in prison, no matter what kind of help you got, nothing -- the site doesn't even show that kind of stuff).. because they don't care.  If you have ever been a child abuser, you are scum to most people, nothing more.    

  8. they are the weakest link.  everyone has kids or neices and nephews.  and the child abusers get it worse than the people who kill their wives or pets.  they are the sickest of the sick and should just be killed.

  9. Well I do know one thing for a fact, child abusers are dead meat when they are out in the general public with the rest of the animals.Weakest links ya i would have to say that is true too, along with the rapists. How long your going to spend your sorry life in prison, who only knows but as far as I'm concern not long enough.People who think it's alright to abuse a child is just plain sick. If i was on the prison board they would never see the light of day.They would wish they were dead, I would make their life a living h**l.

  10. weakest links ?

    dunno what that means ..but do know they are prime meat ...even murderers and thieves have a code of honour ....know of several stories where a molester was imprisoned and the guards turned a blind eye while the crims laid into them one likes what they do ,so its ignored when they cop a beating [seen as a retribution in sorts] ....they tend to have death threats if they also murdered a kid [matin bryant was seperated from his fellow inmates for the body count and fact he chased one young victim coldly before killing them ]

    as for sentances i think for molestation itself [depends on graphic details and i wish not to know more indepth]...approx anywhere between 3 and 20 yrs ....for murdering a kid approx 25-30 before parole ..but i got my info on this from an ex con ....

  11. According to the U. S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, on any given day there are

    approximately 234,000 s*x offenders who were convicted of rape or sexual assault and are in the

    custody or control of correction agencies. Consider the following statistics:

    * The median age of the victims of convicted s*x offenders was less than 13 years old.

    * Approximately 24% of those offenders confined for rape and 19% of those imprisoned for sexual

    assault had been on parole or probation at the time of the crime.

    * In one year alone, approximately 4,300 child molesters in 15 states were released from


    * Of the 4,300 child molesters released, approximately 3.3% were rearrested within three years for

    another s*x offense against a child.

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