
What fake tan does Lisa off big brother use?

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Any one help me out?




  1. don't have a clue! but try fake bake or st tropez! they r the top tans! they r also the most expensive!

  2. fake bake.

    i use that :)

    It's amazing.

  3. lol did u see the state of her tonight though !  

  4. What are you talking about?

    She doesn't use fake tan.

    She's a natural Oompa Loompa ;]

  5. Fake bake, great tan. Just make sure to put it on night, then wash it first thing in the morning! Although tonight Lisa showed how NOT to apply the tan haha. Fake bake, is dear though! Hope this helped x

  6. not sure, but st tropez is the best and looks natural (:

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