
What famous people (dead or alive) have produced great creative works whilst living in a Studio Flat?

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Writers/Artists/Musicians or anything like that. I'm trying to see whether it can be a creative atmosphere and how many people/ what kind of people have managed to make great use of this space.

Give me as many names as you can for a best answer! This is greatly appreciated thank you!




  1. Toulouse-Lautrec; Van Gogh; Debussy: Henry Miller, i think he was hidden in a theatre? in Paris 4 a while, by Anais Nin and others Do some research on Montmartre in the 1800s and 1900s, heaps there, that's what it was famous 4

  2. Francis Bacon.

  3. Edgar Allen Poe

  4. Upton Sinclair


  5. Shakespeare

    Henry Darger

    Walter Sickert

    White Town

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