
What famous person failed many times until they bacame successful, famous, rich, ect.?

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ya im doing an essay for english and we need examples that it takes failure to achieve success and i need some like real life examples so people please help.. list me some famous ppl plz




  1. albert einstein

  2. probably a little off what you're looking for but i wrote a paper in college on the business startup persistance of the soda company 7-up.

    they're called 7-up because it was their 7th time trying to get their product to market. 1-up through 6-up all failed.

    sounds boring writing this but there is actually a pretty good history behind it. and the paper got an a so it was all good.

  3. Hey. Tyra banks failed as a model when she was young a few times at john casablancas modeling agency. She kept on going back for auditions and they eventually signed a contract with her. And look where she is now. (I'm not a big fan but there's an example for u)

  4. Thomas Edison. Check my source from another Yahoo question.

  5. Abe Lincoln

    He failed in business in 1831.

    He was defeated for Legislature in 1832.

    His second failure in business was in 1833.

    He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1836.

    He was defeated for Speaker in 1838.

    He was defeated for Elector in 1840.

    He was defeated for Congress in 1843.

    Again, he was defeated for Congress in 1848.

    He was defeated for Senate in 1855.

    He was defeated for Vice President in 1856.

    He was defeated for Senate in 1858.

    He was elected as President in 1860.

    He also went bankrupt a couple of times and failed at several different businesses.  

  6. Edgar Allan Poe, his prose was considered mediocre at best when he began writing, now we all know who he is.

  7. some famous painter didn't become famous til he died. me thinks van gogh

  8. Abraham Lincoln. He lost many elections in lower positions before running for president and winning.

  9. How about Janis Joplin? Rejected all her life, until all those emotions turned her into a blues queen, and then killed her at the age of 27. RIP.

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