
What fastfood place has the best honey mustard?

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  1. Wendys and Fuddruckers are my favorite ones.

  2. Try burger king`s honey mustard.

  3. Wendys and KFC

  4. I love subways honey mustard

  5. mcdonalds

  6. Wendy's

  7. Bojangle's, no question.

    And Chick-Fil-A has some bangin' honey roasted BBQ sauce.

  8. In respect to fast food places, I must say that Jack in the box pretty much has a great one. Try them out at all the fast food places you go to-you'd be amazed who carries that and who doesn't. Everyone's tastes buds are different :).

  9. im not sure but i love to get a burger and dunk the whole thing in a coke until its completly drenched then i eat it!   its yummy u should try it HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  made laugh rite!!  LOLOLOL I swear Im not high!

  10. subway and McDonalds b/c i luv honey mustard and i wouldn't get it anywhere else

  11. Not sure about fast food, but O'Charlie's honey mustard is the BEST!!

  12. Quizno's honey mustard is so d**n good, also McDonald's also has d**n good honey mustard.

    Subway, Sonic, Wendy's also have good honey mustard.

    I'm sure their are others.

  13. bennnigans

  14. subway defo,, eat freshh !


  16. they have 2 really good ones at wendy's  the regular nugget honey mustard is thick and sweet and they also have a light honey mustard salad dressing that is spicier and has a thinner texture..

  17. Well, I strongly feel that McDonalds has the best honey mustard in the world. Of all the honey mustards I have tried theirs is the best! I LOVE IT!! It is awesome!

  18. Mrs. Butterworths Home Fried Chicken and Goat Milk! AND Aunt Jemima's Steak House!

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