
What faults are there in my stance?

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Here's a picture. Just wondering what faults can be fixed starting with the stance. :D Any help is appreciated.




  1. I agree with alex it's your stance and your feet are to close squat down just a a little to dig that ball hard and up when you hit it.

    Is this photo after you've swung already or just linning it up first?

  2. A slightly too narrow stance and maybe standing a tad too close.  Other than that, it looks pretty solid.

  3. Given the angle of the photo, not sure if your feet are to close together.  Might try spreading them a little more apart.  Your shoulders look square with your feet.  You could stand to get into a more athletic position.  This means your are standing a little to upright.  Bend a little more at your waist but keep your spine angle intact (straight back).  Do not round your shoulders.  Squat a little more (inch or two) to give yourself a good solid base to support your swing.  In your picture appears your weight is over your heels which during a golf swing will cause a lot of swaying and pulling offt he ball.  Get your weight on the balls of your feet.   Finally, appears from the photo you have a very strong grip (hands turned over towards the right).  After you get the stance adjusted, might tweak your hands and rotate them ever so slightly back to  the left.

  4. Ok my man check it out. First let's start with your weight distribution. The weight of your body is resting on your heels. You want to take an athletic stance, as if someone is going to throw you a medicine ball and you are going to catch it. You want your weight on more of the balls of your feet remember "under the laces" of your shoes this will help your balance and posture. Next, posture... your shoulders are a little down that has to do with your stance but you definitely want to bend more at the hips. The arch in your upper back causes swing problems most likely slice the majority of the time if I had to guess. That is why you place the ball toward the heel of the clubhead. Next, ball placement... if you were to pick up the clubhead as to where it would swing through when you were to make contact with the ball you would be far past the ball where it is in relation to your body. That is why you lift up when you swing or you feel as if you lift upward as you swing. You want the clubhead when it rests on the ground to line up with the ball at the toe. My guess is that because your weight distribution affects your posture you slice, to compensate you move the ball closer to you which changes that into a hook. So if you take your feet, keep the ball in the same position and move your feet about half the distance to the yellow tee-marker in this picture you would have greater success and more consistency. Here's why, when you set up off balance or in your case, unathletic you end up having to compensate for these things when you make atletic movement i.e. swing. So that is why you lift and shift and turn and slice or hook.

    So here's how to fix it.

    When you set up, set up far away from the ball. as if you're not even going to address the ball. Stand up completely straight. Like the position of attention. Hold your club at your side with your left hand. Now, turn your left thumb to three o'clock on the grip. Now shift your weight forward onto the balls of your feet but keep your shoulders back. Once you have done that bend at the hips so that if someone was coming at you head on you would be ready for them. Now move your left hand and club in front of you but don't change the grip you have on the club with your left hand. Now marry your left and right hand together and make sure that your hands are under your shoulders if not a little out. Take this whole set-up and move it to the ball. Lift up the clubhead off of the ground and check to make sure that the ball lines up with the sweet spot of the clubhead. Relax and give it an 80% swing.

    All in all there are a lot of good points in your stance but you just want to make it more confident and athletic. You can tell by the picture that you have no clue how this shot will behave you just think it is most likely going to be bad. These thoughts from now on are not allowed in your head. Here also is a video about set-up that will help you.

    This will help I believe. The thing is, from your picture you probably have a great swing if you were to get a better set-up and grip you could probably cross over quickly into birdie town.  

    Good luck buddy.

  5. It looks like because you're too close to the ball that your weight in your heels instead of balanced on the balls of your feet.  Your posture is good though.  You need to send a straight on so we can check other important things.

  6. The stance actually looks pretty solid.

    I would focus on the grip. Notice how your thumb on the right hand is running down the shaft away from your knuckles? I can only imagine that the same thing is going on with the other hand. Get thumbs in closer to your knuckles. It's called a pincher. Notice how you squeeze hold the tube between the tip of the thumb and the index finger. This not only creates better control but increased suppleness in the hands.

    Another way to visualize it is to hold the club up in the air with either hand. The knuckle of the index finger should be level with the tip of the thumb. Right now your thumb is way higher than the knuckle.

    Hope this helps!!!

  7. The biggest issue I see is that your weight is too far back on your heels. It seems that you would lose your balance in the back swing.

  8. Spread your feet apart a little more, and bend your knees. Hope this helps! ♥

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