
What feature do you find most attractive???

by  |  earlier

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  1. tongue(;

  2. None, all of them kind of freak me out. Chins are okay but I wouldn't call them attractive.  

  3. Nothing is more attractive than eyes..... i really like eyes

  4. ears

  5. Even though it's not on your list...eyes.

  6. Chin :P

  7. booty butt booty butt

  8. The eyes makes a person.  You can see them.

    Most people have shoes on that cover up their toenails.  I see nothing attractive about toenails or tongues or ears.  We need all of these things to function.  We have them for a purpose; not to look attractive.  Looking attractive is an added bonus; if you happen to be attractive you are very lucky.

  9. chin lol

  10. None of those I really look at all.  I guess the chin is the most noticeable of all of those.  You'd see if it was large, and that would not be attractive

  11. none of those are the best but on the list i would say i weird?

  12. Eyes.


    But if I had to pick from the list I'd have to say chin.

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