
What features of the gladiolus flower you observed today would indicate its method of pollination? Explain.?

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What features of the gladiolus flower you observed today would indicate its method of pollination? Explain.?




  1. I didn't observe a gladiolus flower today - weren't you paying attention?  tut tut

  2. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the anther of a flower, to the stigma. There are stamen and stigma in the gladiolus plants we looked at in the lab; to pollinate, wind, or animals like hummingbirds or bees are needed to transfer the pollen from one plant to the other. This would explain the sticky stigma; when a bee goes to the male stamen, the pollen would get stuck to the bee, and when it goes to a female plant, the pollen would stick to the stigma.

    I hope I sent this in time. This question was the only one to give me a problem.

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