
What fee do you pay when you sell a car on Ebay?

by  |  earlier

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And, do you pay this fee if your car does not sell for the amount asked?




  1. It costs $47 to place the listing with about 7-8 pictures and a reserve price.  If the car does not meet the reserve, all you pay is $47.  If it meets the reserve, congrats you sold your car if all goes through, and you pay an additional $50 fee.  Total is around $100.00.  Be careful to check buyers feedback because there are some scammers out there.  Good Luck.

  2. The fee varies from a basic listing for $40 and goes up from there, depending on the "extras" you wish to add. When the vehicle sells, there is a fee that is added. If it does not sell, the final fee does not apply. I usually spend around $100 to list and sell a car. I put some of the extras on because it attracts more attention. You can get the details on selling on the ebay motors site. When you list, you have a choice of posting a reserve (the minimum you will accept) or a no reserve which means it sells for whatever the high bid is. If you use a reserve and it is not met, the car does not sell and no final fee is added.  

  3. Expensive -if from usa - $40 plus per as well it does depend. Yes any fee ebay charges you need to pay.

    If you'd like free sites to sell on there re other options to maximize your car selling;

    hope that helped.

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