
What fees are included in a college tuition?

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My father is a disabled veteran, so I get my college tuition for Davis for free. I was wondering what kind of fees are deducted? Registering for classes, meal plan/etc? What is part of a college tuition?




  1. Fees can sometimes be more than the actual tuition depending on the school.  Usually included are things like:

    Remedial Coursework Fee

    Student Assessment Fee

    Technology Fee

    Library Fee

    Facility Fee

    Student Activity Fee

    Student Center Fee

    Cultural Recreation Services Fee

    Student ID Card

    Parking Fee

    Sometimes certain courses will have extra fees assigned to them if you enroll like lab classes, nursing classes, vet tech classes... it can be any class, really.

    Dorms, meal plans, tuition and books are seperate charges.  As is the cost of student health insurance, admission application fees and a dorm deposit, if the school requires these items.

  2. student activity fee


    ID fee

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