
What female politician will the Democrats seek to crush next?

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As a former Democrat, I was slightly alarmed at the treatment given Senator Clinton during the primaries. Now, after the onslaught against Governor Palin, I am seeing that since Obama was allowed to get away with his decapitation of Clinton, he feels free to do the same to Palin. His remarks about leaving her alone aside....actions speak louder than words.




  1. All you worry about is who will protect Israel, you couldn't give 2 craps about a woman or America for that matter. and the Democrat don't need you or Lieberman the sell-out loser.  

  2. I believe it is the media,the GOP and the Rove/Limbaugh tactics that have you confused. Did you see what the GOP did to McCain in 2000 that's how the GOP plays politics.  Politics is a dirty game, if you can't take the heat, step away from the fire.  I believe that Hillary spanked Obama quite a few times. Agreements were made that were not adhered to, lies were told, and don't forget the infamous kitchen sink. So we've got racism, sexism and agism.  Well the American people have spoken and you know who they want OBAMA.  So get over it already.  Are you one of the voters scorned that will end up voting against his/her own best interest.  If so I feel really sorry for you.

  3. Mistreatment? Really? Hillary lost, plain and simple. For her it was over long before she dropped out, but instead of facing reality, she acted as though she was somehow in the lead, and in position to make Obama her VP, the woman felt for some reason that she was anointed by god to be the nominee despite the fact that she simply got out voted. Any harsh treatment she received was from her own party who simply could not figure out why she was not dropping out of a race she was already mathematically eliminated from. Palen  on the other hand is a joke!! She talks about family values while she abandoning her baby with down syndrome to go to Washington, and her 17 year old (who she refuses to have the s*x talk with) gives the pu-tang away like it's a raffle prize!!

  4. 1.) Hillary was called every nasty name under the sun by the right wing when you thought she was going to be the nominee. Lets not forget  the question "How are we gonna beat the *****" to which McCain pointed out "Excellent  Question"

    Now that there are upset supporters the republican party is acting as if she is there favorite step daughter all for political gain, even while she campaigns against your candidate

    2.)The decapatation of Clinton?  She is now being hailed as the possible Successor to Ted Kennedy as the most powerful member of the Senate, and is a favorite to run in 2012 or 2016

    3.) The Leader of the house of Reps is a Female, elected by her Democratic peers

    4.) No one cares if Palin is a woman besides McCain who chose her simply to woo disenchanted Hillary supporters.

    5.) Dont forget A.) She chose to bring out her 17 year old kid to dispell the baby Trig Rumors instead of just showing her d**n medical records, B.) No one cares about her daughter, we care that her mother is a champion of Abstinence only s*x ed in school, is against condoms, and is against birth control...yet has a pregnant underage daughter.  C.) And TODAY we find out that after announcing "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family,", she slashed funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live by 20% with a line item veto, meaning she singled the program out.

    Bristol sure is lucky she isn't the daughter of a less affluent/approving family, or Gov. Palin would just see her need for a place and her baby to stay as "pork"

  5. Hey, lets face it, the democrats hate women, that's why they treat women the way they do.  They just don't seem to have any respect for women, ask Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, John Edwards, etc. just to name a few of the democrats best men.

  6. Oh, come on!  Use your thinking cap. What kind of a woman knowingly puts her young, pregnant daughter in the limelight like that?She should never have accepted the nomination in the first place. With less than 2 years of experience as Governor, and never having been in Congress, she is not qualified. I'm a woman and was a Hillary fan. But I'm voting for Obama now. McCain is an old man and Palin is not honest. She's for life? And yet she humiliates her daughter in front of the entire nation? She voted against s*x ed in schools, and birth control,  and her daughter obviously didn't get any lessons at home, either.  Please. She is just SO not the right candidate.

  7. I'm not sure how you can blame the media or Obama for Hillary's complete lack of campaign management. She claimed that the primary season was going to be over by February 4. She mismanaged her staff and her money and completely ignored the importance of caucus states. As someone who was here in Iowa for the whole thing, she lost because she didn't show up. The media and Obama had nothing to do with it.

  8. Palin is no Clinton. Clinton doesn't have young children at home that she is leaving for someone else to raise,

    Hillary has VAST amount of experience compared to Palin.

    Hillary really believes in equal pay for equal work.

    Hillary has been working for women's rights for years not just a few months.

    Hillary was ready, Palin isn't.

  9. Its a competition. The goal is to win. I don't see how simply beating Clinton can be seen as sexist. Men have been campaigning against each other for 200 years, and a significant about of dirt has been dug up, but thats ok. But when you bring a woman into the equation, everyone has to play nice for the lady. I think its more sexist to assume that because Palin is a woman that she is unable to take care of herself. Look, rather you are a man or woman, if you don't want to be scrutinized, don't run for public office.  

  10. If there were a viable Woman candidate they would still be there. Women tend to speak emotionally. Men tend to think before they speak...Errr, that is excluding the Jug Head running for the Republicans...ROFLMAO!

  11. Agreed!!!!!!

  12. Suddenly the repubs are all about women's rights?  There's a switch.  I think the things that are coming out in the news have little to do with her gender and everything to do with her actions and positions on the issues You haven't been alarmed at the treatment the right wing noise machine has aimed at Senator Obama?  Wow.

  13. WAIT JUST A MINUTE!!!  THE DEMOCRAT PARTY IS THE PARTY OF INCLUSION!! THE DEMORAT PARTY WELCOMES EVERY TYPE OF PERSON!! (Well, unless you're a teenage pregnant daughter of a Republican........)

  14. Are you an idiot?  Hillary lost the primary.  She had greater name recognition and a more loyal base of supporters, but she still managed to lose.  How was Hillary treated any differently than any other candidate that was running?

    How can you blame Obama for winning a race that would have been Hillary's if she had gotten her sh*t together and ran a tight campaign?  You and you're candidate are cry babies and you need to get over it because the world is going to keep turning.  Either vote democrat or stay home, because I can guarantee that the last thing Hillary wants to see is McCain in the white house.


  16. Probably Rudy Ghouliani.

    "Onslaught against Governor Palin"?

    Questions are an onslaught?

    Bit of a double standard don't you think?

    She may get some sympathy votes because the big bad media dared ask questions about the possible next VP.

    Probably not many though.

    Good move by the GOP, I see Roves hand here.

    Use a 17 year old girl for political gain.

    Nice mom that Gov. Palin.

  17. I keep hearing this, but I do not feel that Clinton was treated unfairly in the primary by Obama, possible the press, but not Obama.  From where I'm standing, Obama was treated unfairly by Hillary in the primaries.  She ran far more negative ads and hurt his chances of getting elected in the general election.

    Also, he is not mistreating Palin, he is merely pointing out her (many) flaws.  You are just buying into the Republican smear machine's attempts to lure over former Hillary supporters.  Since when in politics is it not okay to criticize your opponent, regardless of gender?

  18. they will probably talk about palins pregnant under-age daughter. thats a pretty easy target right there.

  19. I am so furious with the Obama loving media going after this woman, and the fact she is a woman is EXACTLY why they go after her....Just like they did Hillary....I really hope this blow up in their face.  Why is Obama quite?  He spoke once and now nothing, he is in on it...

  20. The Republican Party has more women in places of authority than the Democrats. Republicans value people who work and move ahead.


    To Anna, I believe Hillary was paid a $300K salary under her husband to develop a universal health care system. It never developed.

  21. Nobody is being mean to Sarah Palin, she's just not qualified. Hillary Clinton was qualified and experienced. Sarah Palin is not. The media has every right to attack her for that reason.  

  22. The answer is none. That's because the Democrats didn't crush Mrs. Clinton. She ran her campaign, Obama ran his, and the voter chose Obama. That's how it works in the USA. And, Mrs. Palin is the vice-presidential candidate of the opposition party. The Democrats intend to defeat that ticket, regardless of who is on it. That's how it works in the USA. Now, do you understand?

  23. oh please people are not going after her because she is a woman. People are trying to figure out who she is and what she stands for. This has nothing to do with being a woman it has to do with being a new face in the race. If Obama had chooses an unknown we would have seen the same reaction.  

  24. You just dont get it do you?

    It just shows that the Republicans OWN POLICIES Dont WORK...


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