
What fertility pill did Jon and Kate 8 take?

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What fertility pill did Jon and Kate 8 take?




  1. They did injectable medicine, then IUI (Intruterine Insemination).  That's where they get a sample from the male, "clean" it, which involves picking out the best swimmers, and then inject it directly into the uterus using a catheter.

  2. They did a full cycle of IVF - where the eggs are stimulated (to produce numerous eggs in the cycle instead of just one) removed from the woman, fertilized with the sperm, left to develop in to embryos in a lab, and the the most viable (7) embryos were implanted back in to Kate.  In a very rare and unusual occurance, 6 of the 7 embryos developed to become viable fetuses.  Usually the expectation would be that only 1 or 2 would survive, as is what happened with Cara and Mady and for most people who have IVF.

  3. I want to say it was IVF.  

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