
What field would i have to work in to see alot of ACTION in the FBI?

by  |  earlier

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and i want something thats exciting and not doing paperwork everyday




  1. special agents in the fbi are the ones who carry out the raids and use heavy weaponry. also they transport federal prisoners and carry out investigations so you need to be very logical and be able to work out puzzles and quite physical.

  2. not sure not into the FBI much....but its hard work and you got to be a hard working a devote time to it and also have to be very smart with no criminal record or no drug use such as cocaine meth crack things of that nature marijuana smoke is okay when you were young like 14-17 something l**k that but if you taken anything else in your life dont think your gonna make it...stay clean and work hard and stay out of trouble good luck....

  3. All most all police gigs are 98% paperwork and 2% action.

    You may want to rethink this whole thing

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