
What fighters in your opinion, had the biggest propensity to bleed?

by Guest56945  |  earlier

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I think of guys like Chuck Wepner (The Bayonne Bleeder) Jerry Quarry, Henry Cooper etc. Also can you recall some really bloody brawls in the ring?




  1. Besides Chuck Wepner, Jerry Quarry, and Henry Cooper, I would list the following as fighters that bled very easily:

    Vito Antuofermo- he got corrective surgery done near his eyebrows to stop them from being cut so often.

    Ricky Hatton- he also recently got corrective surgery near his eyes like Antuofermo did.

    Arturo Gatti- not so much cuts, but just facial damage; he practically got swollen and cut on his way to the ring.  His series with Mickey Ward was particulary bloody on both sides.

    John Duddy- as soon as he faced a boxer with a shred of talent he got torn to shreds (his most recent fight with Walid Smichet).

    As for some bloody brawls, there is the first fight between Jose Luis Castillo and Diego Corrales, the Gatti-Ward trilogy, the Vazquez-Marquez trilogy, the rematch with Pacquiao and Marquez.  The Cotto-Judah fight was a good bloody brawl.  The sixth fight between Sugar Ray Robinson and Jake Lamotta was pretty bloody- it was nicknamed "The St. Valentines Day Massacre."   I remember watching the tape of Hagler-Hearns (I'm too young to have watched it live), and early on Hagler was cut bad, and the referee Richard Steele said something like "can you see?", and Hagler replied "I ain't missin' him am I?"  There are many others that I have seen and/or heard of, but thats all I can think of right now.

  2. ronald mcdonald

  3. That would be White guys in general. You forgot Arturo Gatti and John Duddy especially in Duddy`s last fight.

  4. I remember Panama Lewis taking the padding out of his fighters gloves, and actually soaking the gloves in brine before sending his guy out against a fighter by the name of Collins.  The poor kid took a savage beating and his face was so cut up they banned Lewis from boxing for life.

    I also recall a kid from Philly taking on an unbeaten Russian prospect about 15 years back, the Russian was a blond, good looking guy with an undefeated record, the Philly fighter an average club fighter with a mediocre record.  The Russian took a left hook that opened a gash on his cheek bone so bad, the cheek itself flapped over and you could actually see teeth behind the cut.  The corner actually took a vasiline/coagulante mix, packed the cut, pressed it together and SENT THE KID OUT FOR ANOTHER ROUND, with a cut like that. one punch into the next round, it flapped an the ref stopped it, but man it was wrong to send him out like that the corner should have stopped it.  If any of you guys have tape of this fight, or a youtube clip, send it to me.  This fight was broadcast on network TV back in the day, either ESPN or the old fight broadcasts hosted by Shawn O'Grady, I forget the name USA somthing.  If was the single worst cut I ever saw, and most likely it would be tough to find the clip.

    Lennox Lewis busted Vitali Klitschko open pretty good in their fight, but nothing like the above fight.

    The Larry Holmes/Tex Cobb fight was another one that was pretty bad.

    The cut to Rocky Marciano's nose in one of the Charles fights is another classic, that one would have been stopped under today's rules, but Rock fought through it and eventually KOed Charles.

    The worst of of them all was the removal of six of Stanely Ketchels teeth from the glove of Jack Johnson.  It was a miracle Ketchel survived a shot like that.

  5. Rocky Marciano had tissue paper skin which made him very susceptible to cuts.  Had he fought Ali in a "real" fight (not in some stupid computer bout), Muhammad would simply jab and jab and jab at him until his face becomes a bloody mess, like that of Joe Frazier in Manila, and the ref would stop the fight by the 5th round.

  6. barry mc guigan was a bleeder, in the only fight he was stopped (against jim mc donnell in his last fight) it was because of a cut.

    he was cut against danilo cabrera, steve cruz, julio miranda and mc donnell.

  7. Wepner comes to mind right off the bat. If u looked at him sideways he bled. I bet he was bleeding before he hit the ring half the time. Cooper could have been champ in his day but his skin was like rice paper. He had Clay out but the delay with the gloves and his own cuts ruined him.

    FIghters like Chuvalo and Cobb would take horrifying beatings and their faces looked like smashed tomatos. Basillio, LaMotta, Zale, Graziano, Frazier, the list goes on, all took 5 to land 1 .

    Marciano gets a bad rap as a bleeder but the only fight he seriuosly was cut in and could have lost was against Charles when his nose was split in half! If u look at pics of him after that fight wow! Against Walcott it was swelling of the eyes.

    Now modern era I remember Albert Davila vs. Frankie Duarte man what a blood bath! Toe to toe until the fight dr. stopped it.

    Almost every Arturo Gatti fight especially his wars with Ward was like watching the Texas Chainsaw Massacre! And who can forget the 2nd head Rahman was growing against Holyfield!

    Those fights stand out to me.

  8. There are a few easy ones, Antuofermo and Wepner quickly come to mind I also remember Alan Minter getting torn up by Hagler. But the worst bleeder I know of was Frankie Ryff a lightweight in the mid 50's. Ring magazine did an article on the 100 bloodiest fights ever. (about 10yrs ago) I remember the picture of him & his entire face was covered in blood. They'd never let a fight go on like that today.

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