
What file or department in the IRS do i fill out, to report my son being filed on someone’s illegal taxes?

by  |  earlier

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Basically I filed with H&R block and they told me that someone filed my son, i didn’t let them do an investigation being i wanted to check further myself, now i found out that whoever claimed is someone who stole his SS number and i want to report this to the IRS, what forms do need to fill out, or who do i contact?




  1. If you are eligible to claim your son, then on your tax return claim his exemption as dependent.

    Sooner or later, you as well the other person will get letters from IRS. The IRS will sort this out.

    Read about dependent:  

  2. I think any form of identity theft should be reported to the police; let them handle it. If you want to personally report it to the IRS, they maybe able to point you in the right direction. Good luck.

  3. First you have to contact them you can go to there website and they will give you numbers for different departments and states. What they will do is they will audit there taxes and they will not tell you who the person was due to safety reasons. You need to handle that asap and you need to let them know you are the only person who can claim him. You have to be careful with some tax companies there is more fraud than you know going on... hope i helped.

  4. So, when you were filing, why didn't you just pay HRB for preparing your taxes and then mailed them in?  While the efile system will not accept a duplicate SSN, the IRS would have processed your paper return with him on it.  That would have been the fastest way to fix this.

    The second fastest is to amend your return to add him back to it.  This will take 4 months minimum.

  5. Do your return and mail it in. Only 1 person can claim an exemption. The IRS will investigate on its own. It will delay your return if you have one.

  6. If you were otherwise entitled to claim your son, you file a return yourself, on paper (not electronically), claiming him (your son) yourself.  The IRS will notice that two or more persons (you and the person who stole your son's SS#) claimed the same person (your son), will determine who was entitled to do so (hopefully, you) and who was not (the person who stole the SS#), and will take the appropriate action against the latter person.

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