
What filter EX700 or the EX1200

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i would like to buy the new Tetratec external filter but i don't know what one to go for weather the EX700 which does 700 litres per hr and is for 100 - 250 litre tank size which is £50.95 or the EX1200 which does 1200 litres per hr and 200 - 500 litre tank size for £64.95, so it is only £15 difference but is the EX1200 be to power full for a 130ltr tank or will the EX1200 just keep it in REALLY good condition




  1. u can never have 2much filtration go 4 the larger 1

  2. Your principle consideration is the species of fish you are going to have in the tank. Too much power will batter smaller fish and the EX700 has a lot of spare capacity. The filter medium and running cost will also be quite a bit cheaper.

    If you are planning a significant tank upgrade at any point then think big, but if this is a community set up, buy the filter that is made for the tank volume or you will find fish stuck to the intake filter.

    Water quality wise it shouldn't make a difference, the output of the EX1200 might be greater, but the EX700 is well within its limits and fish only produce so much waste.

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