
What financial assistance can UK nationals claim for OU fees?

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Are the rules the same?




  1. Same as what?

    Some local authorities will offer grants but they are few and far between and very small.

    Most people studying with the OU either have jobs or are part time students

  2. Oh god loads. When you apply for a course you can request a financial aid form, they'll send one out in the post or you can download it. They will then reserve your place until you've filled in the form and sent it back, or paid.

    You can pay outright, use OUSBA (payment scheme, pay in instalments) or your employer can foot the bill.

    The financial aid form has all the info in it and you can predict the amount you'll get.

    If you're studying up to 60 points in a year you'll get upto about £800 off your course fee and a £250 course grant - neither are repayable. If you're doing 90 points you can get up to about £1200. (these are general figures btw, I can't remember exactly).

    It is income based if you're on up to about £18,000 you should get the full amount (I think!), anymore than that and you'll get a portion. It also goes on how many dependants you have.

    This is generally how it works, it's all on the website

    Good Luck  

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