
What finnacial intrests are there in proving or disproving Global Warming? And who is funding reasearch?

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What finnacial intrests are there in proving or disproving Global Warming? And who is funding reasearch?




  1. The global warming agenda is a multi billion dollar a year business- to speak out against it is to risk losing government and private grants as well

  2. The issue is so important that we should all encourage our governments to fund as much research as we can afford to get a clearer picture. The world's whole economy is at stake. If Humans are a major causative factor to GW then our actions now impact every single part of human industry into the future for the next few hundred years. If we act now to reduce green house emissions it will cause some inconvenience to some people. If human caused GW is shown not to be an issue then acting now will cause little pain, but it will have been unnecessary. If human caused GW is shown to be real and we don't act now, millions of lives will be lost unnecessarily. So which side has the lower risk factor?

    The consensus seems to be pretty much established Humans are at least in part responsible for the current GW, and a lot of evidence suggests we are the main cause. The real research needed now is to get more precise details of how much, how fast and how best to deal with the situation.

    To pretend we can do nothing or that nothing is happening is just incredibly foolish and stupid

  3. Think about it, when the climate changes it affect the world dramatically. In the current theory of man made climate change, huge change could happen pretty fast (though probably not as bad as the day after tomorrow,) hence there are huge vested interests not just those of energy companies. For instance if sea levels rise due to melting ice then low land developments become awful investments- and uninsurable. Many of the worlds cities are by the sea- London, New york etc. whole populations and cities would have to emigrate. This is just one example.

    Climate change affects the market conditions of basically every business in the world so there are large vested interests on both sides......

  4. ExxonMobil has funded lots of research to attempt to prove that man-made global warming is not a serious threat.  They are just starting to realize that they are wasting their money however.

  5. one of the main culprits is backing off under shareholder pressure;

    Exxon to cut funding to climate change denial groups

  6. Well if people prove global climate change is a definitive fact then green power (such as wind, solar, hydro, etc) would be implemented much heavier.  If there was some way that global climate change could be completely disproven then fossil fuel consumption would be favored which would increase the revenue of coal, oil, etc.

  7. The continued record profits of oil companies and the huge worldwide expansion of the coal industry are two significant financial interests that would like global warming to fall back under the radar. CEO's and major stock-holders in these industries could lose billions if serious steps to combat global warming were taken.

    The climate scientists working for government research facilities, that write the scientific papers which prove global warming is real, earn set salaries based on government pay scales.

  8. Crazy leftists want to make the US energy independent from the Middle East and cut poisonous pollution.  Keep the US beholden to the unstable Middle East and wealthy Islamofascists, vote Republican!

  9. Any company that is involved in alternative energy technologies is certainly anxious to prove global warming.  Companies such as GE are set to make billions and billions of dollars.

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