
What first hits you when I say..?

by  |  earlier

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Youm el Keyama!

Whats your first thought?




  1. it is always in my mind but i think i should prepare myself more and make controll of my "self" to be able to deserve ALLAH'S forgivness isa me and you and all moslims:)

  2. im not ready

    hope i will not face it twice  

  3. That 1)  it's spelled wrong (sorry - that's just the way I am); it should be "doomsday"

    2)  That it's nonsense - something out of a myth or fairy tale or ancient religion.

    As to "Youm el Keyama" - I have no idea what it means.

  4. That I'm not well prepared for it yet!! :((

  5. la elah ela Allah

  6. judgment day

  7. Remorse and Regret

  8. First hit ..... i remember a documentary called (( Countdown to doomsday ))

    It was about .... how the end of the world would happen ??

    They have many reasons for that :

    1- Global warming

    2- Artificial Intelligence

    3- Alien Invasion

    4- World War 3

    5- Huge Meteoroids hits Earth

    And many more reasons

  9. The song by Overseer-Doomsday

    but when you say Youm el Keyama, youm el keyama comes to mind and all it's descriptions in Qura'n

    You know, Arabic and English

  10. okay okay hopefully i will be dead by then

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