
What fish can be compatible with Beta fish?

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A have a small and cubed shaped aquarium that's barely even a gallon large. I'm thinking that I could put in a Palaemonete to keep the one Beta Fish company. Any suggestions?




  1. if you go to then you can look up what kind of fish are compatible with bettas

  2. Betta fish enjoy being by themselves and are territorial so another fish in a gallon tank wouldn't work.

  3. Contrary to popular belief, male bettas CAN be housed with other types of fish!  Do not give in to all the misbelief. ;-)

    It depends on the individual attitude of your particular fish!  If he is more aggressive, then he cannot be housed with other fish.  However, if he is docile then he can be housed with other non-aggressive tropical fish.

    The more aggressive fish will pick at his fins.

    You do NOT want to house him with fancy guppies or any "fancy" variety of fish as he will mistake the fish with long, flowy tails as other bettas and therefore will attack.

  4. Male betas are not compatible with any other fish.

  5. if its aggressive get small fast fish tetras platies and mollys

    if it is passive and calm you could get bigger fish

    goldfish snails and tetras small sharks the skies the limit

  6. In a 1-gallon tank, you're already at the maximum capacity. You would need a bigger tank to add more fish. I'm told that cory catfish make good companions for male bettas, but again, you need a bigger tank for that as well as proper filtration and heating.

  7. Sure you could put a Palaemonete in there...he may not last long...but it could work.  FOR WHAT I FOUND OUT>>>THIS IS LIKE A GHOST SHRIMP>>>AND NOT ANOTHER FISH>>>SO IT would work.

    As far as Betta (not Beta) fish being housed with other a bigger tank of course you could house the Betta with many different types.  Its not always the temperment of the Betta...its usually the species of the fish in with the Betta...long finned, colorful fish who the Betta take as a threat.  Temperment does play into this when other fish that usually would not be an issue...are attacked...but in a big enough tank...that can be solved.

    Try to shrimp and see what happens.  If ya got a small airpump for your small may help a bit.

    Best of Luck!

  8. Your fish tank is to small your betta is fine by itself. Try buying a 10 gallon fish tank that way you can add your betta in with some other fish.

  9. It depends on if your fish is male or female. Male betas aren't compatible with any other fish. They will attack and possibly kill it. You can keep several female betas together without any problems, but I'd be wary of putting in other types of fish. Betas also move very slowly so there's a chance that the other fish will pick on them, nipping at their long fins, etc.

  10. Your tank is too small for your Betta, let alone anything else.

    Here's the scoop on Bettas:

    For Bettas to live to their potential, they need proper care.

    1. A 5-gallon tank is minimal for Betta health. Smaller tanks and bowls do not maintain a consistent temperature, and it's nearly impossible to keep healthy water conditions.

    2. While a filter is not necessary for a betta if frequent water changes are done, it's a good idea in any tank in order to keep the water aerated and free of toxins.

    3. A heater is essential. Bettas need warm steady temperatures to thrive. Constant fluctuation leads to stress, which inevitably leads to disease and often death.

    BTW, Bettas have been known to live for 10 years. I have personally known them to live for 6. These poor fish are abused by uneducated people who plop them in a small container, feed them, and then proclaim that they don't live more than a year or 2. Gee, I wonder why.

    For more Betta info:

  11. you can try danios or neon tetras but they will probably torture the betta and rip up his fins. dont put anything with long fancy fins.  

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