
What fish do not need filtration?

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What are some common pet fish that do not need filtration?




  1. betas. they're pretty cool. =]

    Although you can only have 1 at a time or they will fight.

    (or so I've heard)

  2. beta fish and gold fish are definitely the two most common ones.

  3. All fish should have a filtered tank. A betta can survive without a filter, but only if frequent water changes are done. like once a week for a 1 gallon tank.

  4. selfish

  5. probaly only bettas(not goldfish they produce too much waste and certainly need a filter no matter what anyone says)

  6. Goldfish and Betta fish just need frequent water changes.

  7. The only fish that can live without a filter (although they do better with one) are betta fish. ALL other fish need a filter.

  8. let me guess, you don't want a filter because you don't want some complicated tank that's hard to take care of?

    well, if you don't have a filter you'll be doing a lot more work than if you do have one. if you don't have a filter you'll need to do full water changes at least once a week, no matter if you feel like it or not. filters help keep the water clean, so all you need to do with a filter is take out 10% to 20% of the water once a week and put in new. much less work because you can leave everything in the tank.

    so if you're looking for something simple and small, get a 2.5gallon to 5gallon tank with a small heater and filter. this will be suitable for a betta, and I can promise you he'll be much more bright and active than the bettas you see in bowls.  

  9. none, really. any fish should be provided with a properly filtered tank. the only tank that you could get away with would be one that's under 3 gallons. the only fish your should be keeping in there would be a betta, though personally, i would never keep one in anything less than a heated, filtered 5 gallon.

  10. most fish will survive without a filter

    but some  are only $10

    and i recommend you get one

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