
What fish in a 10 gallon tank???

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Okay some day next week I am getting a 10 gallon tank with a filter in my room. Can you give me a combination of fish I can put in the tank with out it being overcrowded.

Tell me what kind of fish and how many please!




  1. the general rule is one fish per gallon. since you are getting a 10 gallon tank, that means you can have ten fish. Obviously, this varies if you are getting really huge or really small fish, but for average sized fish, it's one per gallon.

  2. I assume you are getting tropical fish w a heater? The basic rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon. I have a ten gallon with 3 mickey mouse platys, a tiger bard, an angel fish, and an algae eater. Not overcrowded, good colour combination..Hope this helps a bit.

  3. Do you want tropical or coldwater fish?

  4. do you plan on having a heater?

    if so I'd do:

    1 male betta

    5 tetras

    4 kuhli loaches or cory cats

    if not, then:

    6 danios (or glowfish, or guppies)

    1 hillstream loach

    there are lots of option, I suggest going to your pet store, writing fown the types you like and doing some research on them to build a good tank. while you're deciding, maybe you could do a fishless cycle?

  5. I think sun fish are the good kind mine lasted forever, and put in five.  Find something tropical that are social, and not beta fish they need to be alone

  6. 1 plecostumus ,6 danio`s,3 guppies (males tho)

  7. I have heard that it is 1 fish to 1 gal. If that fish doesn't reach over 2 inches full grown. I have a breeding tank that I have mollies, guppies, plateys, swordtails, neons, & a siamese algea eater. Just know that if you do get neons then they do best in groups of 7 cuz they like to school. Just know that im one of those people who think that every tank should have an algea eater of some sort in it cuz the help with the bioload. But if you do get one then wait like 2 weeks after you get the other fish so algea has time to grow so the algea eater has sumthing to eat or you can buy algea tablets & go that route. Just make sure that you know the full grown size of any fish you get. & make sure all of them are compatable.

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