
What fish should I get?

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I have a 30 gallon aquarium with one small fish and a turtle about 2 inches across (I didn't buy him, my brother's turtle had eggs). I want to get more fish, but I don't want goldfish or tetras. I'm experienced with aquariums, but what are some fish I could get??




  1. Get a starfish.

  2. get sharks

  3. well ur tank is too small for a biger cichlid ( oscars,red devils,jack demseys, ect) but if u wanted a cichlid u can get a  blue ahli real pretty or any type of african cihclid or angel fish. then there are pacus they are really funny cuz u may think since they look like prihanas well there not they are more vegitarions than anything but will eat other fish. then there are dragon fish they look kinda cool really long with a big head. or maybe any rainbow fish i like the emrald rainbow fish and the boesman. jus do some research u u will find out

    good luck

  4. Betta's are grace full and gorgeous i would recommend them just don't get a siamese fighting fish get the more Peacefull Betta's

  5. i'd go with a great white shark or a  beta... they are pretty

  6. The best way to help you decide is for you to visit your local pet shop and have a look around and see if there's any fish that catches your  attention, take note of the name and read up on it, then decide on if you are able to meet their care requirements. Personally, I would go for cichlids, i find them interesting especially when breeding them. BTW, you might want to consider giving up the turtle as it will feed on the fishes as it grows larger.

  7. Depends are you wanting to do saltwater or freshwater?

    Saltwater get some clowns a pair. Fresh i would say go with some cichlids they are very active and not like all the other wimpy tropical fish......

    Hope i helped  

  8. damsels are awesome

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