
What fish will go well with angelfish?

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I have just bought an used 91 gallon fish tank and it is cycling now, i plan on making the tank a tropical community tank, and my main species I want is angelfish and a catfish, is this a good idea, and can i have some more types of fish that would be okay with that size tank and them fishes?

Many Thanks.





  2. A pleco would be a good catfish to add.  They will help clean algae.

  3. depends what kind of catfish you want.  Most would be fine, just remember that catfish generally eat anything they can fit in their mouth.

    That's a large tank, but what can put in there with the Angels will depend largely on what you plan on decorating your tank with and how densely.  It will also depend on what you want to do with your Angels.  If you're trying to breed them, you're probably better off sticking with Angels and maybe a couple of tetras and moving the mating pairs to a 20gal breeding tank.

    You can stick any of the peaceful S.American cichlids with Angels:

    Rams, Festivum, Checkerboard, Uaru, Blue Acara...

    You can stick most of the Tetras with Angels too, although remembering that the Neon Tetra is their natural food, you had better have a densly planted tank if you want to keep them together.  

    The more mild Gourami's will work, Rainbows will work, Loaches, Plecos, SAEs, Otocinclus, Live Bearers, etc...  Infact Live bearers in a heavily planted tank will likely add a healthy live protein source for your Angels.

    Angels prefer broad leafed plants to breed on, but in a tank that size, tall long leaved plants in the background (grass like) that reach the top will look good.

  4. As long as you get all of your fish the same size and at the same time, they should do just fine together.  I've had gold fish, angelfish, silver dollars, one beta, tetras, danios, all in the same careful with danios because they get ick very easy.  That's a pain to get rid of from your tank...Good luck to you.

  5. there is a fairly easy way to keep angels from eating small fish:

    introduce the smallest fish you plan on getting into the tank, leave them a month or so to grow,(doing all the nesecary maintenence) once your fish are bigger, you can add a very young angel (less than an inch long, excluding fins). that way, the angel grows up around the fish, so doesn't think of them as food.

    i have blood-fin tetras in with an angelfish, who is only 3/4 of an inch long.

    for another interesting fish, you could get upside down catfish, they swim upside down their entire lives, and are good scavengers.

    (make sure you have true upside down catfish[synodontis nigrivitis] not a look alike like the featherfin squeaker)

    upside down cats are peaceful, would have TONS of room in a 90 gallon tank, and theyre interesting to watch. just provide hiding places.

    (not too many or you'll never see them)

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