
What five things that you have done in life are you most proud of?

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  1. 1) Finishing Quran 3 times

    2) Finishing Highschool

    3) Drivers License

    4) NHS

    5) Alot more

  2. Reverting to islam alhumdullilah

    getting married and having my son

    going to college

    working things out with my father

    trying to help my muslim brothers and sisters

  3. Salam alikoum,

    There is only one thing which I'm incredibly proud, but with the value of 10000000000000 other important things. This thing is that I'm Muslimah since 1 year and 8 months! And all decisions which I took after were el hamdouli llah correct ones.

    "Your gold is your religion,

    your adornment is your moral attitude,

    and your wealth is your good manners"


  4. 1-Namaz




    5-Saying the Sahada !

  5. MashaAllah to Pakistani Chap

    Some things i have:

    Made my parents happy

    Bought our home aged 20

    Funded my in laws to perfom Hajj

    Getting pregnant, feels wonderful to have a life in me :)

    (cant think of a 5th)

  6. salam brother;

    1)i am proud of being Muslim

    2)praying everyday to Allah almighty

    3)kissing my parents forehead

    4)making my parents proud of me by succeeding in my studies

    5)being able to help others in every way possible with Allah's help


  7. These kind of Q's Answers make me big headed,lol.

  8. Salaam

    Doing very well in my studies

    Helping others build up their confidence and succeed

    Preventing others from getting hurt

    trying to be more religious: praying namaz

    donating my hair to cancer patients

    mentoring kids with social needs

  9. 1. got an A in maths when i was in year 8 haha i saw my report nd was lyk wtf!

    2. i am a practising muslim

    3. i decided to wear hijab without my mum telling me to

    4. i learnt how to cook roti without burning it lol

    5. i've read the quran over 10 times and am memorizing it =]

  10. backpacking across europe and asia by myself, buying my first house by the age of 21 and turning that one house into a real estate business (buying and selling homes/owning multiple homes and i'm only 25) (that counts as two things). I'm proud that I'm a Big Sister to a very lovely girl and that I am actively involved in my community.

  11. I am never proud of what ever I have done!

    but I am ashamed of some dumb things I have done!

  12. accepting Islam

    getting married

    having my two daughters

    getting my degree

    learning conversational Arabic and also how to read Arabic

  13. Excellent question!

    In no particular order:

    1. having my son and raising him to be happy and respectful

    2. Earning my Master's with a 4.0 while working

    3. Earning my BA

    4. Being a good teacher as former students and parents of student have said

    5. my family

  14. I'm with Mohammad K on this.

  15. ---pray to Allah all the time

    ---Payed charity & zakat

    ---Memorized a lot of Surahs.

    ---Went 3 years in a row in school getting straight A's.

    ---I have won 4 trophies and a medal. (2 for poetry, 1 for basketball, and 2 for math.


    hehehehe (peter griffin laugh)

  16. am proud of nothing,,what ever i got is blessing of Allah Allmighty,,,Allah Allmighty controls every thing in heavens and earth..nothing to be proud of,just be thankful to Allah Allmighty,,,a person doesnt achive nothing on his own,,its all Allah's Blessings and Mercy..and Allah Allmighty can take whatever Allah has given you,,therefore the question of being proud of never arises

  17. 1. Completing the memorisation of the Holy Qur'an.

    2. Buying a house at the age of 21.

    3. Dropping out of university (Best move ever) - Though education is an important thing. Nothing worth knowing can be taught.

    4. Remaining a virgin until now (age 25) - Not easy when you're good looking.

    5. Convert/reverting 6 people to Islam. (2 of which were Shias)

  18. -reverted to Islam

    -fed homeless people... out of my own will, not because I worked at a soup kitchen

    - Got married and changed my husband from a lapsed Muslim to a semi-practicing one. Working on making him a full fledged practiicng Muslim!

    - Learned how to pray

    - Gone back to school

  19. telling people that umar is a killer

    (which they didnt know) :)

    so i helped them know the truth about wat he did

    so yeh that made me happy knowing i had that i helped fellow muslims

    edit - lol i got a thumbs up ? thats scary .. :S

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