
What flights can my nephew take alone?

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He is 7 and is visiting me for the summer? I need help on finding him a flight. Any ideas or anything??




  1. He can pay a small fee and be listed as an "unaccompanied minor" - they will assign someone to fly WITH him, get him to the right terminals, etc.  Just call the airline - I know Continental does it.

  2. Generally, unaccompanied minors can take any flight. Depending on the airline(s) involved, he may or may not be able to make a connection. And there will probably be an extra charge.

    It's not possible to give a more specific answer without details, like where he is coming from and flying to.

  3. On most airlines children 5-7 may only travel on a non-stop flight (no connection flights) Some airlines have changed their policies for children and will only except children of a certain age.  The unaccompanied minor fees have increased on most airline charges $99 each way.

    I've include some websites for you to check out since I don't know what airline your nephew is flying on.  If its not on any of these carriers  go your your search engine and type in unaccompanied children on xxxx      xxxx= the name of airline and you should find what you are looking for.

    Hope this helps

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