
What floats your boat?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Fun, smart, nice, common sense People who care about something other than theirselves!!!!!  

    Crabby People Sink It.  

    People that can say thank you, your welcome, hold the door, wait in line properly, have respect and manners.  Know that the person who just cut you off or pulled out in front of you may not have meant to . . . unless you're a mind reader, you don't know other peoples issues.  give them a break.  If someone cuts in line, kick their ***....  It's not acceptable.

  2. What sinks your ship?

  3. sea water.

  4. Archimedes Principle of buoyancy...

    but the real question is ..

    What rings your bell?

  5. Boyancy

  6. Root beer and chocolate... (but not together! ewww)

  7. same thing that "trips my trigger".

  8. I like nice flotation devices :=)

  9. Freedom fries.

  10. H20
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