
What floor requirements do you need to be a level 8 in gymnastics?

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What floor requirements do you need to be a level 8 in gymnastics?




  1. There are four requirements for Level 8 Floor:

    1. One acro series (tumbling pass) with 2 saltos.  (Examples: punch front stepout, roundoff, backhandspring, layout.  Or Roundoff, whipback, backhandspring, full.)

    2. Three different saltos within the exercise.  (Example: Full, Layout, Front Pike, etc)

    3. Dance series with at least 2 elements, one being a leap (one foot take off) requiring 180 cross or side split.

    4. Your dismount (final tumbling pass) must include a salto of A value.

  2. The basic requirements would be as follows

    Floor -

    A well-mixed routine made of both acro and gymnastics skills -composed correctly, make floor. Being unbalanced on one side or the other tends to bring down a routine. Sell it, Sell it, and Sell it! This is the event to make everyone watch YOU! So perform on the floor! Ask your self how many meets you have gone to where you catch yourself watching a particular routine... Now remember there are usually about 38 other floor routines during that meet; did you watch all of them? Or just the one's that 'stood out'?? Judges KNOW what to look for so they will see if you are using high toe in the corners and dancing all the way into it, or did you walk into the corner and look at the floor. Most deductions come from non-skills, hard to believe, but if you are dancing (that is not considered a skill, then everything thing you do there can only be a potential deduction! If it is not gaining you anything , then there a chance you could lose something). If an athlete is going into regionals and nationals that it is not usually the time to add new skills - too much risk. However, it is the time to identify little things that they can change right away that can only add to their score. These would be little bends or incomplete extension in the dance portions, positions of their feet in turns and staying tight while in a down position or on the floor, little things that maybe you didn't see at first that can add up in the long run!


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