
What flowers attract butterflies?

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I am going to start my container garden next year.I want to grow fruits,veggies,plants,and flowers.

I am getting a butterfly house next year for my garden.

I love watching butterflies and I love to catch them and then let them go a few seconds later.Butterflies are just beautiful.

What flowers attract butterflies?

I want to grow a few wildflowers,lavender,roses,dwarf sunfllowers,tulips,bunny tails,carnations,and crocuses.

What flowers attract butterflies?




  1. Butterflies seem to LOVE my lantanas.

  2. the best thing for butterflies is milkweed. Because they will lay eggs, and then the caterpillars will eat the leaves.

  3. The butterflies in my neck of the woods like bee baum, phlox, and gayfeather (lataris).

    Here is a website with lists of flowers that attract butterflies.

  4. rose of sharon, buttercup, google it there are alot of flowers that will work.

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