
What fonts style are these?

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Can you tell me what kind of fonts that they use in this document?

I dropped out 6 months away from my graduation because I don't have enough resources to pay the rest of the tuition, but I've spent about $200,000 for that school. I'd like to print out my own "diploma" for personal satisfaction. I'm too bitter to go back to finish my degree because I didn't have any pleasant memory from the school.

I know the name of the school is written in Old English Text MT, well actually similar. But I don't know what kind of font they used for "hereby confers upon, the degree of, with all right..."

If you can tell me what are the actual fonts that they use in the document, I would really really appreciate it.




  1. I was referred to this online application that goes through a database to look for a font. It worked :)

  2. Dunno the exact font, but you could look for something like it here:

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