
What food and other items should i have during a hurricane?

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i live in mississippi and the next hurricane may or may not hit my state and i want to be prepared. i just want to know exactly what nonperishable food items and other things i should have with me during the storm.




  1. canned foods that you don't have to heat and plenty of water.

  2. non parishables, ones that store easyly, botteld drinks, and some on the go heatables.

  3. Water, Water Water, batterys, candels, matches,canned food (beans, soups, meats, veggies) have some bleach on hand, first aid kit, any meds, if you have pets food for them and water for them, toilet paper, shoes ( closed toe)   a flash light......

  4. Bottled water and stuff like dried soup mixes. Crackers. Meat jerky. Peanut butter.

  5. Wheat bread, canned fruit cocktail, canned peaches, rolls, potato chips and other similar snacks.

    Apple juice and apple cider in bottles don't have to be refrigerated....but best to carry small size bottles....don't take those 64 ounce or 128 ounce bottles with you because you may not be able to drink it up before putting in the refrigerator.

    Juice boxes are also things that don't have to be refrigerated. For example....the 6-pack Minute Maid fruit punch.

  6. A sub-machine gun, A ton of hot sauce and a pack of pregnancy pee sticks.

  7. Canned goods.  Fresh water.  Rope and duct tape for any quick repairs.  Maybe some plywood as well.

    Also, its a good idea to fill all your tubs and sinks with water.  That way if you need to wash up a bit or flush a toilet (with a bucket of the water), you're covered.

    You can learn more about hurricane kits at the source I included below.

    Good prepared

  8. defiantly can goods , water, and fruit that will last well without refrigeration. also i would invest in a camp stove and candles and flashlights preferably the ones with cranks. i have a flash light that has a radio and an adapter for my cell phone. i got at walmart for like 20 bucks. hand sanitizer and paper towels , paper plates. etc.. in case you don't have water. I lived in the Caribbean and florida for years and have been without power and lights for weeks at a time. its better to be over prepared ..o yea and don't forget stuff for that time of the month lol.. good luck and feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.

  9. At least one gallon of water per person in your family per day, with enough for at least 4 days (more if you can).

    Enough food for 3 - 7 days in the form of canned, dehydrated, or other non-perishable food items. Don't forget implements including a can opener, plastic utensils and paper plates. If you want to be able to cook food, you’ll also need to include some form of grill or other cooking equipment and a supply of fuel.

    Pet care items for your pets, including food and extra water, a leash and muzzle for dogs, and a cage or carrier for any small pets.

    A good first-aid kit, toiletries, and personal care items. Add any prescription drugs you take regularly to the kit whenever you hear a hurricane watch has been issued.

    Blankets, pillows, and clothing (including cold and wet-weather clothing).

    Battery-operated flashlights and radio, and spare batteries.  Remember that things like batteries will need to be replaced periodically to assure that the ones included will work when needed.

    Particulary if you have children, books, toys, and games to keep yourself and them occupied during the storm.

    Store copies of important documents, including insurance policies, social security & bank account numbers, wedding and birth certificates in a waterproof package.

    Tools (battery or hand-operated only), and where practical emergency repair items you may want to have to repair damage done to your home.

    Once you’ve assembled the kit items, store them in water-tight bags or boxes in a secure location (preferably in your designated safe room).

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