
What food can i give my 18week old baby who has suffered from constipation with formula milk?

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my baby seems to have gone off her milk any suggestions on why this may be she is otherwise well and continues to sleep through most nights she has suffered a bit with constipation not terrible just 1 good/happy day when she goes and 1irritable/grumpy day when she cant!!




  1. try wheatabix its high fibre but about half of one

  2. talk with your ped, there are so many types of formula out there, they may suggest you try another brand/type.

  3. to help with constipation, give her water regularly. maybe the milk is too cold when you give it to her? does she drink any of her bottle? if you burp her half way through her feed, try just giving her the whole bottle without a burp, and if you don't burp her half way through, then try it. maybe she is just ready and eager to start solids? try some tharax/rice cereal. dunno, thats all i can think of. good luck.

  4. My daughter had constipation with SMA White, but was fine when I switched to Aptamil. I'd try another brand and see how you get on.

  5. 3 things, boiled water, fruit juices/purees fruit and weetabix!!

  6. What milk are you using?  SMA is known to cause constipation, especially SMA White.  If you are using White, switch back to Gold.  Otherwise, try a different make of formula.

  7. it is not a lactose intolrerence but a long chain milk protein that is the cause of the problem i have 7 children with a similar problem try a goats milk based formula beware a baby formula is important till the age of about six because goats milk is iron defeiciant introduce digestested  milk products such as yogurt blue cheese in fact low fat cheeses to help build imune system to cope with food intolrerences after the age of six and side step the lactose intorerences with low natural bacteria in the gut to manage the gut remember a 1st food diet when possible a diet low in processed food if its instant like quick cook oates no good  soak grains overnite just as good and if in doubt about constipation use a gental laxative  as inflamation can be very painfull and cause long term adverse efects but change diet do not rely on laxatives as lazy bowel can be just as big as a problem good luck  24 years of this problem should make me a bit of an expert

  8. Talk with your pediatrician, but my mom always told me just a little bit of Dark Karo syrup in a bottle of water helps. My son wouldn't take formula, but when he would get a little crampy or gassy, I would make him about 4 ounces of water, about a teaspoon and a half of Dark Karo syrup and he would be just fine. If its consistant though, it could be the formula she is on, so talk to her doc.

  9. I would definitely speak to your health visitor.  Is she teething?  It could be her teeth which are putting her off her milk?  As for the constipation you need to make sure she is having a drink of cool boiled water to help her along.  Not much, just some.  Is she on any solids yet?  If so, give her some water with a veg or fruit purree which should help her.  If you aren't giving her solids, it may just mean that you need to change your milk brand.  As I said, you need to see your health visitor who can advise you on what's best.  

  10. at this age you can try to feed her soup (you know, chicken with vegetables mostly carrots with a bit of salt), or put the vegetables from the soup in a blender, for a week or so after which put the chicken too. try apples mixed with biscuits, carrot juice, peaches. there are some special cereals for babies (4, 6 and 8 months) from Milupa. do not feed her yogurt at this age.

    as for the constipation, i gave my son a laxative (doctor's recommendation) and suppositories for babies with glycerin . you can also help her by rubbing her tummy focusing mostly on her left side. oh and prunes (boil them and give her a bit of that juice every day, 5-10 ml).

    hope i helped you. best wishes for your little one

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