First off, bless you for shopping from farmer's markets, growing your own, or buying directly from the farmer...but that is NOT what this question is about.
This is about GROCERY STORE purchases (where the majority of food is purchased). The only foods that do not need to be listed are all the fresh, raw fruits and vegtables, in the produce isle. They are not to be included. Everything else in the grocery store is "open season."
What do you buy and eat that does NOT have corn in it as part of the manufacturing/growing process?
I don't want people to just say "stewed tomatoes." I'd like to know the actual BRAND. Why? Because most of you are going to be skocked to find some form of corn used in almost ever single product you eat.
I am willing to bet that nobody (in the U.S.A.) can list more than ten products!!!
Check back on this question...I'll be updating. Wait for my edit, before answering...I'll have a list of a few corn adatives.