
What food do you hate?

by  |  earlier

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I have seen questions about what do you crave, but i want to know what makes your stomach turn?

Mine for the moment is pizza, I hate the smell of it. (Use to love it)




  1. Canned beets. I was forced to eat them a couple of times when I was young and always threw up.

  2. Fish!  Yuck the smell is so nasty to me!

  3. in the beginning of my pregnancy i couldn't stand the smell of green boiled peanuts they are my husbands favorite snack and he special orders them and has them shipped to our house since they are only made in the south and everytime he made them i got sick so he has to wake up in the middle of the night while im asleep to eat them

  4. I don't like nothing with Cheese..

  5. beeef

  6. Eggplant! Can't stand it at the moment.  

  7. During pregnancy I can't stand the smell of fish or meatballs.

  8. liver and onions

  9. OMG help me put the popsicles down . ( iam having one right now but i have to hide otherwise my daughter would want some too , way too much sugar for her . i go through 24 per day) And anything spicy

      what i cant stand is liver cooking and milk . i hate mangoes too but i used to eat at least 3 per day .


  10. Definitely pork! I used to love pork chops, now I can't stand the site of them!

  11. I hate any kind of meat... beef, pork, chicken... yucky !!!!!

  12. Eggs cooking

    Chicken cooking

    Burger cooking

    and the smell of tomato soup



  13. beef and pork make me sick.

  14. Avacados, raw meat (we do not eat it raw, but seeing it in raw form), and so many more things. Its easier for me to say what looks good right now than what doesnt.  

  15. Mac & cheese

  16. I used to eat at least a bag of frozen broccoli a day prior to pregnancy and just thinking about it makes me want to hurl lol !    

  17. I cant stand anything poultry.. chicken or turkey that ISNT breaded... anything like wings or b*****s make me want to gag!

    And for some reason yogurt doesnt sit well with me either, and I used to LOVE yogurt!

  18. Bacon

    Pork Chops

    French Fries (the big ones like Steak Fries)

    Apple Juice

  19. Bull Testicles

  20. eggs, milk, fish, and animal innards.  

  21. thats funny i cant get enough of pizza and before i wasnt that crazy about it! with my first i would get sick if i smelled fajita's and taco's!! it was awful and with this one i love every kinda food!!  

  22. Mushrooms!

  23. It varys from day to day, Im VERY sensitive to smells right now, I was shopping and smelling candles and it made me sick to my stomache.  
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