
What food do you just hate?

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What food do you just hate?




  1. calery


    or pinnaple cuz im alergic to it


  2. Raw Onions!!!!

  3. Liver I totally can't handle it.

  4. Sushi...

  5. brussel sprouts





  6. i hate spinach, and vegetables.

  7. Mushrooms, hamburger, water chestnuts, bok choy, celery, nuts like peanuts, walnuts, almonds..

  8. Liver for me and Okra. Yuck. Love ya Sugar bug xx

  9. For me, it's eggs. I can't eat them by themselves and the smell of them just makes me want to vomit. I can eat eggs if they're incorporated into different foods such as cake or bread for example but like I said, I just can't eat them by themselves.

  10. raw oysters

  11. Macaroni and Cheese,

  12. tomatos

  13. black eyed peas  

  14. I don`t like spinach babe!

  15. Soul Food

  16. Tofu...woohoo flying again..!


  17. Circus peanuts :: gagging noises ::

  18. I don't like meat...

    But seafood is just <BLEH!!>

  19. when i was a little kid i absolutely hated a lot of foods- i hated eating eggs with runny yolks, and i hated eating raw veggies. now that I'm an adult i always eat my yolks runny, and i love raw veggies. i think our taste buds change as we get older.

  20. any food that my "friend" maddison ell graham likes

  21. Eggs






        Nacho Cheese

        American cheese

  22. Flan... It's like eating a french toast flavored wet boiled egg... BLEH!

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