
What food should i eat to gain more weight?

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What food should i eat to gain more weight?




  1. don't eat junk if you want to gain weight. try thinks with lots of calories like protein bars and this health drinkcalled Ensure or Boost. those drinks are healthy and have lots of calories and its all HEALTHY calories. if you eat just junk to gain weight you will gain icky fat. you want to gain muscle. and eat more in meals and moer in snacks.

  2. ice cream and pork fat.  

  3. Weight Gainers

    Peanut butter

    Whole milk

    White bread

    White rice

  4. eat a lot of meat/ cheese and dairy and work out - all though most workout to get in shape you need to do it to build muscle mass.  There are also a lot of shake type mixes you can buy at health food stores that will help you in your goal and probably be quite tasty

  5. have a balanced diet. you won't want to end up round. eat according to the food pyramid. mark my words, you can't go wrong there. you'll be perfectly healthy if you follow it properly.  

  6. bread.bread has lots of wheat and is very fattening

  7. burgers, fries, chips, hotdogs all the usual junk

  8. Ice Cream


    pork sausage

    cheese (full fat)


    don't exersise as much,  exersise, just don't do it too much.

  9. he said to gain weight not to kill himself.. if you want to bulk up for sports add more proteins and carbs to your diet and also increase the number of times you eat a day.  

  10. It depends on how you want to gain weight. You don't want to just get fat. See your doctor.

  11. If you go into a health store they have special bars that make you

    gain on weight. Most boxers, fighters use them to make them more

    big and strong. They realy do work, and they keep you healthy aswell

    but if you are thinking of becoming a un-healthy fat then you just eat

    loads of junk, fast-foods, and rubbish like that. But you will make yourself sick but doing this.

    Hope this helped :)


  12. take aways basically x

  13. just because you want to gain weight doesn't mean you need to pig out on bad fats, you should try eating more red meats like steak, and ground meat, also eat peanut butter, add more olive oil to your meal, and eat cereals with whole grain and omegga 3(a good fat),or oily fish, and flax seeds

    also overall you should just eat more of your normal meals, but remember don't pig out on junk food & fast food, it will make you gain weight but also become very unhealthy.

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