
What food to eat in a lonely new year's eve?

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What food to eat in a lonely new year's eve?




  1. You cant do better than Pizza

  2. lonely....? arent we going out for countdown? and have some  beerS?

  3. easy...INDULGE on your faves! or to add a little spice, try some dishes you've never had before..that's a good way to start off the year!!

  4. don't eat. just sleep! LOL

  5. pizza and beer

  6. Fried Rice. Wine. A Good movie. Watch the fireworks on television.

  7. Hello, you receive so manyinvitation, how can you say you have lonely food anymore? Time to delete this question

    Happy New Year!

  8. when i'm lonely i like to cook or bake anyhing, and have fun eating it, even thought the cakes i bake can really taste DISGUSTING but the cooking and baking makes me not feel so lonely, but than i have a big mes to clean up after

  9. fried frog's legs... with bumbu sauce.

    --- edit ---

    yeah! order McD delivery... the new spicy chicken mcnuggets.

    i share share with kiki.lala.

  10. i would have satay ayam or McD while watching dvd or anime.

  11. megi.dgn air milo 3in1. pasang ekon. tgk tv. dvd pn ok..btmbh2 lonely le...hehe

    order mcD delivery..yeah!


    orite itsmelah! share wif me..i buy u pay..hehe

  12. same as cctt, makan maggi... simple.

  13. eat small dishes like appetizer's - and eat 12 grapes at the strike of midnight so that you can have better luck in 2008

  14. makan maggi pun sodap.. !!!  i like it to eat this maggi when im feel lonely..

  15. shrimp, lobster and liquor.

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