
What food was so good you had to have thirds?

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  1. depends on what mood im in. but it always ends up being brussel sprouts no matter what mood im in! i love brussel sprouts

  2. Homemade Eggplant Parmigian

  3. There was a sweet potato pie at the county work camp (I was visiting).

    Best ever.

  4. some bread my friend made from yucca  it was like a pasty sweet bread yummm  and Papusa  its like a bread with melted cheese in it and served with a sour cabbage slaw! YUMMY

  5. sweet potato casserole at Thanksgiving! mmmmm :)

  6. Steak,Greens,macaroni, and sweet potatoes don't forget the corn bread

  7. Spumoni

    authentic greek yogurt

  8. Fettuccine alfredo. Try it sometime. Like at Olive Garden or something.

  9. triple chocolate cake /w milk

    MMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!! :)

  10. Vegetable fried rice =]

  11. A food that was so good, I had to have thirds would have to be cheesecake.

  12. Oriental noodles. Him

    Pizza; Her

  13. One time the nabor lady who is German made apple strudel I couldent stop eating it.Every time she makes it she gives me my issue I am an attic my name is JOE.

  14. Hawaiian ribs.

  15. POPTARTS!!! lol.....i am addicted, they are like crack to me!

  16. The perfect pizza. You know, cheesy but the sauce is just right.  

  17. japense food.

    chicken terikey with fried rice extra meat and vegtables.

    the most delicious thing EVER.

  18. Chicken Frances is the best thing alive ! that and egg plant parm.

  19. chocolate, pizza, water, curry, ...

  20. Shrimp Cocktail or Homeade Lasagna

  21. fettuccine alfredo and guacamole

  22. Cake or lasagna, both home made. I just can't stay away, same for when there is ice cream in the freezer too =]

  23. Ice cream eaten off my husband fourths and fifths

  24. My grandma's chicken and rice!


  26. Sushi and My Aunt's "pink thing."  it was marshmallows and raspberries and some other things all mixed together and it was just soooooooooo good!

  27. when my mom made mole yesterday.

  28. Qdoba!



  29. Sushi.. amazing stuff

  30. anything my husband grills!!!

  31. pizza, ice cream, cheerios.

    the first two seem normal but don't ask me why about cheerios.

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