
What food will you not eat at all?

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  1. i would NEVER eat pork or any thing pig!!(i not a vege head either)(i eat meat)(and i'm not muslim)(lol)

  2. Now, I love food but there are just some that I draw the line at:

    1. Tuna...especially Tuna with Ketchup, raisins, and pickles as this Pakistanian girl I went to middle school would eat back in the day.

    2. Any kind of animal testicles

    3. Mayo- by itself or slathered on something, ick.

    4. Sardines or Anchovies- you probably would have a better chance using it as bait to catch fish

    5. Escargot- if I want to eat chewy garlic, I will just crush up some bulbs on gum and work on that.

    6. Dog- I have two Chihuahuas and when I found out a friend of mine whent to India and ordered some in a restaurant, I was quite sickened.

    7. Fried, steamed, or raw bugs- I guess I shouldn't be on fear factor

    8. Beans- yes, yes....we know they are good for your heart and make you f**t, but that is too much farting going on.

    9. Grits- Just grosses me out when I moved to FL from NY and people used it as a staple here

    10. Pigs Feet- not only they are sick in general but seeing them preserved in a jar of vinegar just makes me want to puke.

    Happy eating everyone :-)

  3. Brussel Sprouts & most Seafood, like muscles n squid, lobster!

  4. giblets

  5. Rabbit, dog ( a delicasy in Vietnam) Cat, (a delicasy in Philippines) Monkey brain ( a delicasy in MidEast) Pig's intestine and feet (Southern cuisine) Poi, octopus and snails.

  6. asparagus

  7. liver..never!!.

  8. Hi Derek! I refuse to eat CALAMARI and OCTOPUS. Just thinking about it makes my blood crawl. The slimy texture before it gets cooked, the way it looks, just everything about it. I will not eat it even if you paid me! lol   : )

  9. Balut (A Filipino favourite--it is an egg with a chick inside, and the egg is pickled or boiled and eaten as a delicacy).

  10. Any sort of offal.  Not keen on eggs either for some reson.

  11. Hmm basically nothing fried or processed which leaves out alot of foods lol Also no red meat because its really bad for you!!!

  12. weird food like goat's eyes, raw horse meat, bear's testicles, seahorse, starfish etc.

  13. Raw tomatoes.

  14. Mushrooms or Poi

  15. chicken nuggets. . .YUCK!!!

  16. Pork of Beef!! EWWWWW!

  17. Lamb, liver and pickled pig's feet, don't laugh my mother loved them ugh really disgusting.

  18. anything that moves.....uhg

  19. Brussels Sprouts



  20. liver


    monkey brains

    mountain oysters

    i think that is it for the foods i have tried.  some foods i do not like but will eat if they are in something.  these things i will not eat in any way or with anything.  i do use olive oil for cooking.

  21. cactus

  22. Okra

  23. Any endangered species, any insects, turtles, snakes, lizards, birds, wild boar, wild deer, etc.

  24. Talking about that...I haven't been liking the entrails of lamb that my mum cooks on special days...(EWWWW!!!)

  25. p***s.

  26. Borscht. I hate it!

  27. Fruit pies all of them

  28. chicken. i cannot stand the taste of chicken.

  29. I don't like Indian food, it makes me feel sick.

  30. Beets, liver, tongue, headcheese, and goat.

  31. Clams,Oysters and those little baby squid,,yuk!!!

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