
What food would be weird if it was deep fried ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Gummy Bears- YUCK !!!!!

  2. play-doh.

  3. Yoghurt.

    As if it isn't weird enough already.

  4. Eyeballs! Would they bounce?

  5. Date fruit

  6. Oh we have an Aussie version of the deep fried mars bar. It's the Moro choco bar. Anyway, how about marshmallows? O.o

  7. lollipop

  8. An orange!

  9. wierd but yummy---mars bars

  10. Vanilla pudding.

  11. hmm...


  12. somethings like ice?

  13. Mars bar - and they are!!! haha i'm scared to try them o-o

  14. cottage cheese

  15. Salad!

  16. Twinkies

  17. roadkill.

    oh wait that wouldnt be weird.


  18. Jello

  19. I want to try deep fried ice cream one day, they actually make it in some restaurants.

    I think most fruits would taste disgusting deep fried, like strawberries or watermelon

  20. I've had deep fried mars bars and ice-cream, pineapple fritters, deep fried vegies is tempura, onion rings, cheese, omgosh, you can really deep fry anything. Weird?...Idk, maybe, deep fried... grapes, I just can't see that working...but then again, who would have thought deep fried ice-cream would work?

  21. apple

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