
What food would you consider quintessentially Kiwi?

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What food would you consider quintessentially Kiwi?




  1. not kiwi fruit cause it doesnt even originate from here surprisingly, in a cooking vompetition where we had to cook something with a new zealand theme, i cook smoked salmon with pikopikos, (the curly fern bush roots)

    or another thing is probably the traditional pork boil ups

  2. It would have to be something from the sea, maybe pawa? Other than that, a fish endemic to the area.

    Incidentally, for those who didn't know, kiwi fruit is a name given to the Chinese Gooseberry when the New Zealanders decided to commercialize it. Certainly took off, ay!

  3. kiwi fruit

  4. Reduced cream and onion dip, the ultimate summer dip. Both ingredients useless on their own, but together magic is made!

  5. kiwi

  6. i;m australian so i shouldn;t admit it it but... PAVLOVA. (seriously who were we kidding when we tried to hijack a desert that features kiwi fruit?).

  7. Well Maoris [New Zealanders] will usually cook  HANGI for food thats where we dig into the ground and place VERY HOT coal in and wrap ALL our food in foil then the towels and place it in BIG steel baskets!!! Usually we will cook chicken, pork, potatoes, pumpkin, [cumara] sweet potatoe, cabbage. This has a very BEAUTIFULL taste you should try it. Also we have BOIL-UPS where we chuck meat [Bacon~bones OR Pork~bones] "preferably" in a pot with PUHA [OR spinach, watercress, silverbeet] & potatoes with pumpkin. BYE BYE

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