
What food would you make in association to the seven deadly sins?

by  |  earlier

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i posted this question yesterday but i didn't get very many responses so i thought i would ask it agian. i am hosting a party and the theme is the seven deadly sins. i already got the wine it is actually called 7 deadly zins, i just need a menu. i want each of my dishes to represent there own sin, lust,pride,wrath,sloth,greed,envy,and gluttony. what food/ dish ( i don't mind cooking its kindof the idea) do you think will match each sin?





  1. 1. Sin - devils food cake

    2.  Lust - Whip cream and strawberries

    3, Wrath - Hot, Mexican, Spicy, japenalanos chips & salsa

    4. Sloth - pasta, anytype of pasta

    5. Greed - salad (b/c its green) and make the veggies shaped like coins or money carrots, peppers, radish's, tomato's etc.

    6. Gluttony - Roast, meatloaf, prime rib - this should be your meat dish

    I think you can make a receipe off this, just an overview.

  2. I love the 7 Deadly Zins. Excellent wine.

    Sinful  - Multi-layered Chocolate Cake with Chocolate icing. Serve with hot fudge sauce poured over slice and place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.

    Lust - Oysters would be ideal but any sliced meat (chicken, beef..etc) stir-fried with vegs including garlic, basil, ginger and some carrots will work as well. These are aphrodisiac foods.

    Envy - Green Vegs or lime based cocktails/punch

    Sloth - A frozen dish that hasn't been thawed and is still in it's container served on a paper plate or a box of  KoolAide, paper cups and a jar of sugar along with some bottled water. Even a do-it-yourself cake, with a jar of icing and a spatula sitting beside it.

    Gluttony - A large platter with Cornish hens for each person, some baked pork chops, and a beef roast with another platter loaded with roasted potatoes, onions and some vegs. Throw in a some corn-bread dressing and maybe a side of gravy and that should do it.

    Pride - Baked homemade bread. Homemade Ice Cream.

    Wrath - Anything that you can flambe.  Examples would be cherries, bananas, crepes....

    What ever you decide to do it sounds like fun!!

  3. I couldn't even begin to answer this one unless you want to cook a sloth. A lot of salads have weird names you could look there.

  4. for apetizers get almond paste, and shape them as obscene body parts.

    for the second apetizer get some toothpicks an even amount of eggs and a couple packs of hot dogs. now place the 2 eggs evenly spaced apart, stick the hotdog betwen both eggs. now slip the the toothopick thru the firstegg,thru the hot dog, then thru the 2nd egg. makeing sure you dont see the toothpick thru the food

    for glutony get a cake made with the picture of omar the tent maker on it.

    for greed i would make a 14 foot tall cake of the trump tower in manhattan.

    for sloth i would use a thin layer of jello on a cookie shet that trails up to molding of a snail, made of soy.

    for wrath i would make a triffle filled with chochlate cake, radishes, eggplant, tomatoes, sauerkraut, vanilla cake and some lumpy  home made gravy and a sprinkling of parmesan and whole garlic cloves with the skin still on.

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